Many times while working on PySpark SQL dataframe, the dataframes contains many NULL/None values in columns, in many of the cases before performing any of the operations of the dataframe firstly we have to handle the NULL/None values in order to get the desired result or output, we have to filter those NULL values from the dataframe.
In this article are going to learn how to filter the PySpark dataframe column with NULL/None values.
For filtering the NULL/None values we have the function in PySpark API know as a filter() and with this function, we are using isNotNull() function.
- df.filter(condition) : This function returns the new dataframe with the values which satisfies the given condition.
- df.column_name.isNotNull() : This function is used to filter the rows that are not NULL/None in the dataframe column.
Example 1: Filtering PySpark dataframe column with None value
In the below code we have created the Spark Session, and then we have created the Dataframe which contains some None values in every column. Now, we have filtered the None values present in the Name column using filter() in which we have passed the condition df.Name.isNotNull() to filter the None values of Name column.
# importing necessary libraries from pyspark.sql import SparkSession # function to create SparkSession def create_session(): spk = SparkSession.builder \ .master( "local" ) \ .appName( "" ) \ .getOrCreate() return spk # function to create dataframe def create_df(spark, data, schema): df1 = spark.createDataFrame(data, schema) return df1 if __name__ = = "__main__" : # calling function to create SparkSession spark = create_session() input_data = [( "Shivansh" , "Data Scientist" , "Noida" ), ( None , "Software Developer" , None ), ( "Swati" , "Data Analyst" , "Hyderabad" ), ( None , None , "Noida" ), ( "Arpit" , "Android Developer" , "Banglore" ), ( None , None , None )] schema = [ "Name" , "Job Profile" , "City" ] # calling function to create dataframe df = create_df(spark, input_data, schema) # filtering the columns with None values df = df. filter (df.Name.isNotNull()) # visualizing the dataframe |
Example 2: Filtering PySpark dataframe column with NULL/None values using filter() function
In the below code we have created the Spark Session, and then we have created the Dataframe which contains some None values in every column. Now, we have filtered the None values present in the City column using filter() in which we have passed the condition in English language form i.e, “City is Not Null” This is the condition to filter the None values of the City column.
Note: The condition must be in double-quotes.
# importing necessary libraries from pyspark.sql import SparkSession # function to create new SparkSession def create_session(): spk = SparkSession.builder \ .master( "local" ) \ .appName( "" ) \ .getOrCreate() return spk def create_df(spark, data, schema): df1 = spark.createDataFrame(data, schema) return df1 if __name__ = = "__main__" : # calling function to create SparkSession spark = create_session() input_data = [( "Shivansh" , "Data Scientist" , "Noida" ), ( None , "Software Developer" , None ), ( "Swati" , "Data Analyst" , "Hyderabad" ), ( None , None , "Noida" ), ( "Arpit" , "Android Developer" , "Banglore" ), ( None , None , None )] schema = [ "Name" , "Job Profile" , "City" ] # calling function to create dataframe df = create_df(spark, input_data, schema) # filtering the columns with None values df = df. filter ( "City is Not NULL" ) # visualizing the dataframe |
Example 3: Filter columns with None values using filter() when column name has space
In the below code, we have created the Spark Session, and then we have created the Dataframe which contains some None values in every column. We have filtered the None values present in the ‘Job Profile’ column using filter() function in which we have passed the condition df[“Job Profile”].isNotNull() to filter the None values of the Job Profile column.
Note: For accessing the column name which has space between the words, is accessed by using square brackets [] means with reference to the dataframe we have to give the name using square brackets.
# importing necessary libraries from pyspark.sql import SparkSession # function to create SparkSession def create_session(): spk = SparkSession.builder \ .master( "local" ) \ .appName( "" ) \ .getOrCreate() return spk def create_df(spark, data, schema): df1 = spark.createDataFrame(data, schema) return df1 if __name__ = = "__main__" : # calling function to create SparkSession spark = create_session() input_data = [( "Shivansh" , "Data Scientist" , "Noida" ), ( None , "Software Developer" , None ), ( "Swati" , "Data Analyst" , "Hyderabad" ), ( None , None , "Noida" ), ( "Arpit" , "Android Developer" , "Banglore" ), ( None , None , None )] schema = [ "Name" , "Job Profile" , "City" ] # calling function to create dataframe df = create_df(spark, input_data, schema) # filtering the Job Profile with None values df = df. filter (df[ "Job Profile" ].isNotNull()) # visualizing the dataframe |