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HomeData ModellingData Structure & AlgorithmFenwick Tree (Binary Indexed Tree) for Competitive Programming

Fenwick Tree (Binary Indexed Tree) for Competitive Programming

In the world of competitive programming, speed is everything. Fenwick Tree (also known as Binary Indexed Tree), created by Peter M. Fenwick. They’re like secret weapons for programmers, especially when you need to quickly find cumulative frequencies in problem-solving. This article breaks down Fenwick Trees in simple terms—how they’re built and why they’re handy for competitive programming. Whether you’re starting out or a pro looking for a speed boost, Fenwick Trees could be your key to success in coding competitions. Let’s dive in!

Fenwick Tree for Competitive Programming

What is Fenwick Tree?

Fenwick Tree or Binary Indexed Tree is a data structure used to calculate range queries along with updating the elements of the array, such that each query or update takes logarithmic time complexity. It is used to calculate prefix sums or running total of values up to any index.

Why to use Fenwick Tree?

Whenever we have range queries along with updating the elements of the array such that the number of range queries are comparable to the number of updates in the array, then we can perform both of these operations in logarithmic time using Fenwick Trees.

Let ‘s say, we are given an array of size N and Q queries of two types:

  • Type 1, where we are given two integers L and R and we need to calculate the sum of elements in range L to R.
  • Type 2, where we are given two integers I and X and we need to update the element at index I to X.

Now, we can solve the question using the following approaches:

  • Brute Force: For every query of Type 1, we run a loop from L to R and calculate the sum and whenever we encounter a query of type 2, we simply update the element at that index. Each Type 2 operation is done in O(1) time but each Type 1 operation can take O(N) time in worst case. So, the overall time complexity will be O(Q * N), which is very costly. This approach is only beneficial when the number of updates are very large as compared to the number of range queries.
  • Precomputation Techniques: We can maintain a 2-D matrix of size N*N and store the range sum of every possible range in the matrix. Now, every query of type 1 can be done in O(1) time but every type 2 query can take O(N*N) time in worst case. So, the overall time complexity will be O(Q * N * N), which is also very costly. This approach is only beneficial when the number of updates are very less as compared to the number of range queries.
  • Fenwick Trees or Binary Indexed Trees(BIT): Using Fenwick trees, we can guarantee a log(N) time for both the type of queries. So, the time complexity will be O(q * log(N)). This approach is beneficial if the number of range queries and updates are comparable to each other.

Note: We can also use Segment Tree and solve both updates and range queries in logarithmic time but its faster to implement Fenwick trees as compared to Segment trees as Fenwick trees are easy to build and query and require very less time to code. Also, Fenwick Tree require less space as compared to Segment Tree.

Idea behind Fenwick Trees:

Consider Fenwick tree as an array F[] with 1-based indexing, such that every index of array stores Partial Sum of range. For simplicity, assume the size of F[] to be 16. Now, if we have queries to calculate the range sum in an array. So, for any index i, F[i] will store the sum of values from index j+1 to i, such that j = i – (rightmost set bit of i). Refer to the below table to understand the range of values:

Value of i

Binary Representation

Rightmost set bit of i

Value of j

Partial Sum Range [start, end]









[1, 1]





[1, 2]





[3, 3]





[1, 4]





[5, 5]





[5, 6]





[7, 7]





[1, 8]





[9, 9]





[9, 10]





[11, 11]





[9, 12]





[13, 13]





[13, 14]





[15, 15]

So, from the above table we can see that each index of Fenwick tree F[] stores the sum of range. Now, if we need to calculate the prefix sum till 7th element, then instead of iterating from 1 to 7 and calculating the sum, we can take the sum of F[7] + F[6] + F[4]. Similarly, to calculate the prefix sum till 13th element, we can take the sum of F[13] + F[12] + F[8] to get the prefix sum. So, in other words if we want to calculate the prefix sum till ith element, we can add elements of array F[] present at indices which are obtained by removing the last set bit of i, one by one.

Prefix Sum till 7th element = F[7] + F[6] + F[4],
7 –remove right most set bit –> 6 –remove right most set bit –> 4 –remove right most set bit –> 0

Prefix Sum till 13th element = F[13] + F[12] + F[8],
13 –remove right most set bit –> 12 –remove right most set bit –> 8 –remove right most set bit –> 0

Now, in order to calculate the range sum of [L, R], we can simply subtract the prefix sum till [L-1] from prefix sum till R.

Fenwick Tree Implementation for Range Queries and Updates:

Since, we are storing Partial Sums of range in the Fenwick Tree F[], then updating an element at index i in the original array should reflect in all those indices of F[] which have index i in their partial sum range. For eg: if we want to update the element at index 5 in the original array, then it should reflect in F[5], F[6] and F[8] because F[5] stores the partial sum of range [5, 5], F[6] stores the partial sum of range [5, 6] and F[8] stores the partial sum of range [1, 8] and 5 lies in the range of all of them.

Add X to 5th index, means adding X to F[5], F[6] and F[8],
5 –add right most set bit –> 6 –add right most set bit –> 8 — add right most set bit –> 16 (out of range)

Add X to 9th index, means adding X to F[9], F[10] and F[12],
9 –add right most set bit –> 10 –add right most set bit –> 12 –add right most set bit –> 16 (out of range)

In both of the above operations, we need to add or subtract the right most set bit. We can use the following formula to find the right most set bit,

Right most set bit of X = (X & (2’s complement of X)) = (X & (-X)), where & is the Bitwise AND operator



#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// Method to calculate prefix sum till index idx
int sum(int idx, vector<int>& F)
    int runningSum = 0;
    // Summing up all the partial sums
    while (idx > 0) {
        runningSum += F[idx];
        int rightMostSetBit = (idx & (-idx));
        idx -= rightMostSetBit;
    return runningSum;
// Method to update the array by adding X to index idx
void add(int idx, int X, vector<int>& F)
    while (idx < F.size()) {
        F[idx] += X;
        int rightMostSetBit = (idx & (-idx));
        idx += rightMostSetBit;
// Method to calculate range sum from index l to r
int rangeQuery(int l, int r, vector<int>& F)
    return sum(r, F) - sum(l - 1, F);
int main()
    int n = 5;
    // 1 - based indexing
    vector<int> arr{ -1e9, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
    // Initially all the values of Fenwick tree are 0
    vector<int> F(n + 1, 0);
    // Build the fenwick tree
    for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
        add(i, arr[i], F);
    // query the sum from index 1 to 3
    cout << rangeQuery(1, 3, F) << "\n";
    // query the sum from index 2 to 5
    cout << rangeQuery(2, 5, F) << "\n";
    // Update element at index i to X
    int i = 3;
    int X = 7;
    // We have passed X - arr[i] to the add method, because
    // add method simply adds a number at a particular index
    // so if we need to update the element, we need to pass
    // the difference between the ith element and X to add
    // method
    add(i, X - arr[i], F);
    // query the sum from index 1 to 3
    cout << rangeQuery(1, 3, F) << "\n";
    // query the sum from 2 to 5
    cout << rangeQuery(2, 5, F) << "\n";
    return 0;


import java.util.*;
public class FenwickTree {
    // Method to calculate prefix sum till index idx
    static int sum(int idx, List<Integer> F) {
        int runningSum = 0;
        // Summing up all the partial sums
        while (idx > 0) {
            runningSum += F.get(idx);
            int rightMostSetBit = (idx & (-idx));
            idx -= rightMostSetBit;
        return runningSum;
    // Method to update the array by adding X to index idx
    static void add(int idx, int X, List<Integer> F) {
        while (idx < F.size()) {
            F.set(idx, F.get(idx) + X);
            int rightMostSetBit = (idx & (-idx));
            idx += rightMostSetBit;
    // Method to calculate range sum from index l to r
    static int rangeQuery(int l, int r, List<Integer> F) {
        return sum(r, F) - sum(l - 1, F);
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        int n = 5;
        // 1 - based indexing
        List<Integer> arr = Arrays.asList(-1000000000, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
        // Initially all the values of Fenwick tree are 0
        List<Integer> F = new ArrayList<>(Collections.nCopies(n + 1, 0));
        // Build the fenwick tree
        for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
            add(i, arr.get(i), F);
        // query the sum from index 1 to 3
        System.out.println(rangeQuery(1, 3, F));
        // query the sum from index 2 to 5
        System.out.println(rangeQuery(2, 5, F));
        // Update element at index i to X
        int i = 3;
        int X = 7;
        // We have passed X - arr[i] to the add method because
        // the add method simply adds a number at a particular index.
        // If we need to update the element, we need to pass
        // the difference between the ith element and X to the add
        // method.
        add(i, X - arr.get(i), F);
        // query the sum from index 1 to 3
        System.out.println(rangeQuery(1, 3, F));
        // query the sum from 2 to 5
        System.out.println(rangeQuery(2, 5, F));


def sum(idx, F):
    running_sum = 0
    while idx > 0:
        running_sum += F[idx]
        right_most_set_bit = (idx & -idx)
        idx -= right_most_set_bit
    return running_sum
def add(idx, X, F):
    while idx < len(F):
        F[idx] += X
        right_most_set_bit = (idx & -idx)
        idx += right_most_set_bit
def range_query(l, r, F):
    return sum(r, F) - sum(l - 1, F)
def main():
    n = 5
    # 1-based indexing
    arr = [-1e9, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
    # Initially, all the values of Fenwick tree are 0
    F = [0] * (n + 1)
    # Build the Fenwick tree
    for i in range(1, n + 1):
        add(i, arr[i], F)
    # Query the sum from index 1 to 3
    print(range_query(1, 3, F))
    # Query the sum from index 2 to 5
    print(range_query(2, 5, F))
    # Update element at index i to X
    i = 3
    X = 7
    # We have passed X - arr[i] to the add method because
    # the add method simply adds a number at a particular index.
    # If we need to update the element, we need to pass
    # the difference between the ith element and X to the add
    # method.
    add(i, X - arr[i], F)
    # Query the sum from index 1 to 3
    print(range_query(1, 3, F))
    # Query the sum from 2 to 5
    print(range_query(2, 5, F))
if __name__ == "__main__":



Building the Fenwick Tree in Linear Time Complexity:

In the above approach, we are building the Fenwick tree by calling the add() method for all the elements so the overall complexity to build the tree becomes O(N * logN). We can further reduce the time to build the Fenwick tree from O(N * logN) to O(N). Note that for every index i, we are adding a[i] to F[i], F[i + (i & (-i))] and so on. Also, later in the loop we have to add a[i + (i & (-i))] to all these indices again (except index i). So, instead of doing the operation repeatedly, we can combine them in one operation for every index. For every index i, we can simply add a[i] to F[i] and add F[i] to F[i + (i & (-i))]. Adding F[i] to F[i + (i & (-i))] will work same as adding a[i] to F[i + (i & (-i))] and all other indices.

Building Fenwick Tree in O(N)

void buildTree(vector<int> &arr, vector<int> &F, int n)
    for(int i=1; i<=n; i++)
        F[i] += arr[i];
        if(i + (i & -i) <= n)
            F[i + (i & -i)] += F[i];

Fenwick Tree (Binary Indexed Tree) for multi-dimensional arrays:

For 2-D arrays, we can use the same idea as 1-D array. Here, instead of storing Partial Sums of range [l to r], we store the Partial Sum of submatrix [l1 to r1][l2 to r2]. Refer this article to explore further about 2-D Fenwick Tree.

Similarly, for 3-D array, we can store the Partial Sum of submatrix[l1 to r1][l2 to r2][l3 to r3]. Refer this article to explore further about 3-D Fenwick Tree.

Use Cases of Fenwick Tree for Competitive Programming:

A Fenwick tree can support the following range operations:

  1. Point Update and Range Query
  2. Range Update and Point Query
  3. Range Update and Range Query

1. Point Update and Range Query

In this type of query, we are required to find running values over a range [L, R] but the updates are limited to a single index. We have already covered this in the above implementation.

2. Range Update and Point Query

In this type of query, we are required to update values over a range [L, R] but the queries are limited to a single index. In this case, we perform the range updates and point queries in opposite manner as we did in Point Update and Range Query. We can update a range [L, R] with value X by making 2 point updates add(L, X) and add (R+1, -X), and if we want to query an element at index idx, we can simply take the prefix sum till idx to get our answer.


#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// Method to calculate prefix sum till index idx
int sum(int idx, vector<int>& F)
    int runningSum = 0;
    // Summing up all the partial sums
    while (idx > 0) {
        runningSum += F[idx];
        int rightMostSetBit = (idx & (-idx));
        idx -= rightMostSetBit;
    return runningSum;
// Method to update the array by adding X to index idx
void add(int idx, int X, vector<int>& F)
    while (idx < F.size()) {
        F[idx] += X;
        int rightMostSetBit = (idx & (-idx));
        idx += rightMostSetBit;
// Method to fetch element at index idx
int pointQuery(int idx, vector<int>& F)
    return sum(idx, F);
// Add X to all elements in range [l, r]
void rangeUpdate(int l, int r, int X, vector<int> &F) {
    add(l, X, F);
    add(r + 1, -X, F);
int main()
    int n = 5;
    // 1 - based indexing
    vector<int> arr{ -1e9, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
    // Initially all the values of Fenwick tree are 0
    vector<int> F(n + 1, 0);
    // Build the fenwick tree
    for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
        rangeUpdate(i, i, arr[i], F);
    // fetch the element at index 2
    cout << pointQuery(2, F) << "\n";
    // fetch the element at index 4
    cout << pointQuery(4, F) << "\n";
    // Add X to all the elements from l to r
    int l = 2, r = 4;
    int X = 7;
    rangeUpdate(l, r, X, F);
    // fetch the element at index 2
    cout << pointQuery(2, F) << "\n";
    // fetch the element at index 4
    cout << pointQuery(4, F) << "\n";
    return 0;


import java.util.Arrays;
public class FenwickTree {
    // Method to calculate prefix sum till index idx
    static int sum(int idx, int[] F) {
        int runningSum = 0;
        // Summing up all the partial sums
        while (idx > 0) {
            runningSum += F[idx];
            int rightMostSetBit = (idx & -idx);
            idx -= rightMostSetBit;
        return runningSum;
    // Method to update the array by adding X to index idx
    static void add(int idx, int X, int[] F) {
        while (idx < F.length) {
            F[idx] += X;
            int rightMostSetBit = (idx & -idx);
            idx += rightMostSetBit;
    // Method to fetch element at index idx
    static int pointQuery(int idx, int[] F) {
        return sum(idx, F);
    // Add X to all elements in range [l, r]
    static void rangeUpdate(int l, int r, int X, int[] F) {
        add(l, X, F);
        add(r + 1, -X, F);
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        int n = 5;
        // 1 - based indexing
        int[] arr = {-1_000_000_000, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
        // Initially all the values of Fenwick tree are 0
        int[] F = new int[n + 1];
        // Build the fenwick tree
        for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
            rangeUpdate(i, i, arr[i], F);
        // fetch the element at index 2
        System.out.println(pointQuery(2, F));
        // fetch the element at index 4
        System.out.println(pointQuery(4, F));
        // Add X to all the elements from l to r
        int l = 2, r = 4;
        int X = 7;
        rangeUpdate(l, r, X, F);
        // fetch the element at index 2
        System.out.println(pointQuery(2, F));
        // fetch the element at index 4
        System.out.println(pointQuery(4, F));



3. Range Update and Range Query:

In this type of query, we are required to find running values and handle updates over range [L, R]. To handle range updates and range queries, we need to maintain two Fenwick trees, say F1[] and F2[].

3.1 Handling Range Updates:

Initially, all the elements in arr[], F1[] and F2[] are zero. Now, if we want to increment a range [L, R] by a value X then we can use the same approach as we did in Range Update and Point Query. So, we can call add(F1, L, X) and add(F1, R+1, -X). But, after this we will also call add(F2, L, X * (L – 1)) and add(F2, R, -X * R). The reason behind calling these two additional calls will be clear when we will explore about handling Range Queries. So, whenever we need to add X to a range [L, R], we will do the following:

add(F1, L, X)
add(F1, R + 1, -X)
add(F2, L, X * (L – 1))
add(F2, R, -X * R)

Now, if we try to calculate prefix sum till any index i in F1[], that is sum(F1, 0, i), we will have one of the following cases:

  • If i < L, then the prior increment will have no effect on it, so sum(F1, 0, i) = 0
  • If L <= i <= R, then the prior increment will add X at index i, so sum(F1, 0, i) = X
  • If i > R, then the prior increment will have no effect on it, so sum(F1, 0, i) = 0

Now, if we try to calculate prefix sum till any index i in F2[], that is sum(F2, 0, i), we will have one of the following cases:

  • If i < L, then the prior increment will have no effect on it, so sum(F2, 0, i) = 0
  • If L <= i <= R, then the prior increment will add X * (L – 1), so sum(F2, 0, i) = X * (L – 1)
  • If i > R, then the prior increment will add X * (L – 1) + (-X * R), so sum(F2, 0, i) = X * (L – 1) – (X * R)

3.2 Handling Range Queries:

Now, after incrementing the range [L, R] by a value X, we want to get the prefix sum till ith index, then we will have one of the following cases:

  • If i < L, then the prior increment will have no effect on the prefix sum till i, so sum[0, i] = 0
  • If L <= i <= R, then the prefix sum till ith index will be equal to X * (i – L + 1), so sum[0, i] = (X * i) – (X * (L + 1))
  • If R < i, then the prefix sum till ith index will be equal to X * (R – L + 1), so sum[0, i] = (X * R) – X * (L – 1)

So, if we observe carefully, for all the above 3 cases we can say that,

sum[0, i] = (sum(F1, 0, i) * i) – sum(F2, 0, i)

This is why we made two additional calls while handing the range updates earlier as we wanted to have the additional terms to calculate the prefix sum till any index i. Since we can calculate the prefix sum till any index, we can also calculate the range sum [L, R] by subtracting prefix sum till (L-1) from prefix sum till R.

Implementation of Range Update and Range Query using Fenwick Trees:


#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// Method to calculate prefix sum till index idx
int sum(int idx, vector<int>& F)
    int runningSum = 0;
    // Summing up all the partial sums
    while (idx > 0) {
        runningSum += F[idx];
        int rightMostSetBit = (idx & (-idx));
        idx -= rightMostSetBit;
    return runningSum;
// Method to update the array by adding X to index idx
void add(int idx, int X, vector<int>& F)
    while (idx < F.size()) {
        F[idx] += X;
        int rightMostSetBit = (idx & (-idx));
        idx += rightMostSetBit;
// Method to calculate the prefix sum till ith index
int prefSum(int idx, vector<int> &F1, vector<int> &F2) {
    return sum(idx, F1) * idx - sum(idx, F2);
// Method to calculate sum of range [L, R]
int rangeQuery(int L, int R, vector<int>& F1, vector<int> &F2) {
    return prefSum(R, F1, F2) - prefSum(L - 1, F1, F2);
// Add X to all elements in range [l, r]
void rangeUpdate(int l, int r, int X, vector<int> &F1, vector<int> &F2) {
    add(l, X, F1);
    add(r + 1, -X, F1);
    add(l, X * (l - 1) , F2);
    add(r + 1, -(X * r), F2);
int main()
    int n = 5;
    // 1 - based indexing
    vector<int> arr{ -1e9, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
    // Initially all the values of Fenwick trees are 0
    vector<int> F1(n + 1, 0), F2(n + 1, 0);
    // Build the fenwick tree
    for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
        rangeUpdate(i, i, arr[i], F1, F2);
    // Sum of elements from index 2 to 4
    cout << rangeQuery(2, 4, F1, F2) << "\n";
    // Sum of elements from index 1 to 5
    cout << rangeQuery(1, 5, F1, F2) << "\n";
    // Add X to all the elements from 2 to 4
    int l = 2, r = 4;
    int X = 7;
    rangeUpdate(l, r, X, F1, F2);
    // Sum of elements from index 2 to 4
    cout << rangeQuery(2, 4, F1, F2) << "\n";
    // Sum of elements from index 1 to 5
    cout << rangeQuery(1, 5, F1, F2) << "\n";
    return 0;



Practice Problems on Fenwick Tree for Competitive Programming:


Problem Link

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Maximum prefix sum for a given range

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Element left after performing alternate OR & XOR operation

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Greater or Less

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Last Updated :
18 Jan, 2024
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Thapelo Manthata
I’m a desktop support specialist transitioning into a SharePoint developer role by day and Software Engineering student by night. My superpowers include customer service, coding, the Microsoft office 365 suite including SharePoint and power platform.


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