The Java.util.EnumMap.equals(obj) in Java is used to compare the passed object with this EnumMap for the equality. It must be kept in mind that the object passed must be a map of the same type as the EnumMap.
boolean equals(Object obj)
Parameter: The method takes one parameter obj of Object type and refers to the map to be compared with this map.
Return Value: If the specified object is equal to the map, the method returns true else false.
Below programs illustrate the working of the equals() method:
Program 1:
// Java program to demonstrate equals() method import java.util.*; // An enum of gfg ranking worldwide and in India public enum gfg { Global_2018, India_2018, China_2018 } ; class Enum_map { public static void main(String[] args) { EnumMap<gfg, Integer> mp1 = new EnumMap<gfg, Integer>(gfg. class ); EnumMap<gfg, Integer> mp2 = new EnumMap<gfg, Integer>(gfg. class ); // Values are associated in mp1 mp1.put(gfg.Global_2018, 800 ); mp1.put(gfg.India_2018, 72 ); // Values are associated in mp2 mp2.put(gfg.Global_2018, 800 ); mp2.put(gfg.India_2018, 72 ); // Stores the result boolean res1 = mp1.equals(mp2); // Prints the result System.out.println( "Map1 equal to Map2: " + res1); mp2.put(gfg.China_2018, 1607 ); // Stores the result boolean res2 = mp1.equals(mp2); // Prints the result System.out.println( "Map1 equal to Map2: " + res2); } } |
Map1 equal to Map2: true Map1 equal to Map2: false
Program 2:
// Java program to demonstrate equals() method import java.util.*; // an enum of gdp growth rate // in recent years of India public enum gdp { Ind_2015, Ind_2016, Ind_2017, Ind_2018, Ind_2019 } ; class Enum_map { public static void main(String[] args) { EnumMap<gdp, String> mp1 = new EnumMap<gdp, String>(gdp. class ); EnumMap<gdp, String> mp2 = new EnumMap<gdp, String>(gdp. class ); // Values are associated in mp1 mp1.put(gdp.Ind_2015, "8.4" ); mp1.put(gdp.Ind_2016, "9.2" ); mp1.put(gdp.Ind_2017, "6.1" ); mp1.put(gdp.Ind_2018, "7.7" ); // Values are associated in mp2 mp2.put(gdp.Ind_2015, "8.4" ); mp2.put(gdp.Ind_2016, "9.2" ); mp2.put(gdp.Ind_2017, "6.1" ); mp2.put(gdp.Ind_2018, "7.7" ); // Stores the result boolean res1 = mp1.equals(mp2); // Prints the result System.out.println( "Map1 equal to Map2: " + res1); mp2.put(gdp.Ind_2019, "7.0" ); // Stores the result boolean res2 = mp1.equals(mp2); // Prints the result System.out.println( "Map1 equal to Map2: " + res2); } } |
Map1 equal to Map2: true Map1 equal to Map2: false