The Java.util.EnumMap.containsValue(value) method in Java is used to determine whether one or more key of the map is associated with a given value or not. It takes the value as a parameter and returns True if that value is mapped by any of the keys in the EnumMap.
boolean containsValue(Object value)
Parameter: The method accepts one parameter value which refers to the value whose mapping is to be checked by any of the key.
Return Value: It returns true when one or more key is mapped to same value.
Below programs illustrate the containsValue() method:
Program 1:
// Java program to demonstrate containsValue() method import java.util.*; // An enum of gfg ranking is created public enum rank_countries { India, United_States, China, Japan, Canada, Russia }; class Enum_map { public static void main(String[] args) { EnumMap<rank_countries, Integer> mp = new EnumMap<rank_countries,Integer>(rank_countries. class ); // values are associated in mp mp.put(rank_countries.India, 72 ); mp.put(rank_countries.United_States, 1083 ); mp.put(rank_countries.China, 4632 ); mp.put(rank_countries.Japan, 6797 ); mp.put(rank_countries.Canada, 1820 ); // check if map contains mapping at specified key boolean ans = mp.containsValue( 72 ); // prints the result System.out.println( "Map contains 72: " + ans); } } |
Map contains 72: true
Program 2:
// Java program to demonstrate containsValue() method import java.util.*; // An enum of gfg ranking is created public enum rank_countries { India, United_States, China, Japan, Canada, Russia }; class Enum_map { public static void main(String[] args) { EnumMap<rank_countries, Integer> mp = new EnumMap<rank_countries,Integer>(rank_countries. class ); // values are associated in mp mp.put(rank_countries.India, 72 ); mp.put(rank_countries.United_States, 1083 ); mp.put(rank_countries.China, 4632 ); mp.put(rank_countries.Japan, 6797 ); mp.put(rank_countries.Canada, 1820 ); // check if map contains mapping at specified key boolean ans = mp.containsValue( 2000 ); // prints the result System.out.println( "Map contains 2000: " + ans); } } |
Map contains 2000: false