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HomeData Modelling & AIEnclose given Substrings of the String in parenthesis

Enclose given Substrings of the String in parenthesis

Given a string S and a list of strings subs[] that stores the substrings of S and all the substrings are present only once, the task is to enclose the substrings of S that exists in subs[] in parentheses. If substrings in subs[] overlap each other or are consecutive then merge them into one set of parentheses.


Input: S = “abcdefgh”, subs = {“ef”, “bc”, “g”}
Output: “a(bc)d(efg)h”
Explanation: Substrings “ef” and “g” are consecutive. 
So they are enclosed within one set of parentheses.
Substring “bc” is enclosed within one set of parentheses

Input: S = “abcdefgh”, subs = [“abcde”, “bc”]
Output: “(abcde)fgh”
Explanation: Substrings “abcde” and “bc” overlap. 
So they are enclosed within one set of parentheses.


Approach: The idea to solve the problem is as follows:

We can find the starting and ending index of each substring of subs[] in the string S. Then they can be considered as separate intervals and we can use the concept of merging overlapping intervals to merge them and enclose them in parentheses.

Follow the below steps to implement the idea:

  • Create a list to store the opening and closing positions of each substring of subs[]. 
  • Merge these intervals of opening and closing positions. For that do the following: 
    • Sort all intervals by opening position in ascending order.
    • Starting with the first interval, traverse the sorted intervals and do the following for each interval:
      • If the current interval is not the initial interval and it overlaps with the previous interval, merge them together. 
      • If not, add the current interval to the output interval list.
  • Go through the merged interval list and insert the parentheses accordingly into the string S.

Below is the implementation of the above approach:


// C++ code to implement the approach
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// Function that takes a set of
// intervals, merges overlapping and
// contiguous intervals and
// returns the merged intervals
vector<vector<int> >
  mergeIntervals(vector<vector<int> >& interval)
  // Stores the new indices after
  // merging
  vector<vector<int> > mergedInterval;
  int start = interval[0][0];
  int end = interval[0][1];
  for (int i = 1; i < interval.size(); i++) {
    // Intervals merge so update end index
    if (interval[i][0] <= end
        || interval[i][0] == end + 1) {
      end = max(end, interval[i][1]);
    else {
      // Intervals don't merge so
      // add current interval to
      // mergedInterval
      vector<int> al;
      // Update start and end index
      start = interval[i][0];
      end = interval[i][1];
  // Add last interval to merged interval
  vector<int> al;
  return mergedInterval;
// Function finds the starting and
// ending position of
// substring in given input string
vector<int> findSubStringIndex(string subStr, string s)
  int i = 0, j = subStr.length();
  while (j <= s.length()) {
    if (s.substr(i, j - i) == subStr) {
      return { i, j - 1 };
  return {};
// Function to add parentheses at given index
string addParentheses(string s, string subs[])
  // Interval stores the opening,
  // closing position of each
  // substring in subs
  vector<vector<int> > interval(subs->size(),
  // Loop through each substring in
  // subs and add the opening and
  // closing positions into intervals
  for (int i = 0; i < subs->size(); i++) {
    interval[i] = findSubStringIndex(subs[i], s);
  // Sort the intervals according to
  // opening index position
  sort(begin(interval), end(interval));
  vector<vector<int> > mergedInterval
    = mergeIntervals(interval);
  string sb;
  int pre = 0;
  // Add the opening and closing
  // brackets at the positions from
  // mergedIntervals
  for (auto& arr : mergedInterval) {
    sb += s.substr(pre, arr[0] - pre);
    sb += '(';
    sb += s.substr(arr[0], arr[1] + 1 - arr[0]);
    sb += ')';
    pre = arr[1] + 1;
  sb += s.substr(pre, s.size() - pre);
  return sb;
// Driver Code
int main()
  string S = "abcdefgh";
  string subs[] = { "ef", "bc", "g" };
  // Function call
  cout << addParentheses(S, subs) << "\n";
  return 0;
// This code is contributed by Rohit Pradhan


// Java code to implement the approach
import java.util.*;
class GFG {
    // Function to add parentheses at given index
    static String addParentheses(String s,
                                 String[] subs)
        // Interval stores the opening,
        // closing position of each
        // substring in subs
        int[][] interval = new int[subs.length][2];
        // Loop through each substring in
        // subs and add the opening and
        // closing positions into intervals
        for (int i = 0; i < subs.length; i++) {
            interval[i] = findSubStringIndex(subs[i], s);
        // Sort the intervals according to
        // opening index position
        Arrays.sort(interval, (a, b) -> a[0] - b[0]);
        ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer> > mergedInterval
            = mergeIntervals(interval);
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        int pre = 0;
        // Add the opening and closing
        // brackets at the positions from
        // mergedIntervals
        for (ArrayList<Integer> arr : mergedInterval) {
            sb.append(s.substring(pre, arr.get(0)));
                            arr.get(1) + 1));
            pre = arr.get(1) + 1;
        sb.append(s.substring(pre, s.length()));
        String ans = new String(sb);
        return ans;
    // Function that takes a set of
    // intervals, merges overlapping and
    // contiguous intervals and
    // returns the merged intervals
    private static ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer> >
    mergeIntervals(int[][] interval)
        // Stores the new indices after
        // merging
        ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer> > mergedInterval
            = new ArrayList<>();
        int start = interval[0][0];
        int end = interval[0][1];
        for (int i = 1; i < interval.length; i++) {
            // Intervals merge so update end index
            if (interval[i][0] <= end
                || interval[i][0] == end + 1) {
                end = Math.max(end,
            else {
                // Intervals don't merge so
                // add current interval to
                // mergedInterval
                ArrayList<Integer> al
                    = new ArrayList<>();
                // Update start and end index
                start = interval[i][0];
                end = interval[i][1];
        // Add last interval to merged interval
        ArrayList<Integer> al
            = new ArrayList<>();
        return mergedInterval;
    // Function finds the starting and
    // ending position of
    // substring in given input string
    static int[] findSubStringIndex(String subStr,
                                    String s)
        int i = 0, j = subStr.length();
        while (j <= s.length()) {
            if (s.substring(i, j).equals(subStr)) {
                return new int[] { i, j - 1 };
        return null;
    // Driver Code
    public static void main(String[] args)
        String S = "abcdefgh";
        String[] subs = { "ef", "bc", "g" };
        // Function call
        System.out.println(addParentheses(S, subs));


# Python 3 code to implement the approach
# Function that takes a set of
# intervals, merges overlapping and
# contiguous intervals and
# returns the merged intervals
def mergeIntervals(interval):
    # Stores the new indices after merging
    mergedInterval = []
    start = interval[0][0]
    end = interval[0][1]
    for i in range(1, len(interval)):
        # Intervals merge so update end index
        if interval[i][0] <= end or interval[i][0] == end+1:
            end = max(end, interval[i][1])
            # Intervals don't merge so
            # add current interval to
            # mergedInterval
            al = []
            # Update start and end index
            start = interval[i][0]
            end = interval[i][1]
    # Add last interval to merged interval
    al = []
    return mergedInterval
# Function finds the starting and
# ending position of
# substring in given input string
def findSubStringIndex(subStr, s):
    i = 0
    j = len(subStr)
    while(j < len(s)):
        if s[i:j] == subStr:
            return [i, j-1]
        j += 1
        i += 1
# Function to add parentheses at given index
def addParentheses(s, subs):
    # Interval stores the opening,
    # closing position of each
    # substring in subs
    interval = [0]*len(subs)
    # Loop through each substring in
    # subs and add the opening and
    # closing positions into intervals
    for i in range(len(subs)):
        interval[i] = findSubStringIndex(subs[i], s)
    # Sort the intervals according to
    # opening index position
    mergedInterval = mergeIntervals(interval)
    sb = ""
    pre = 0
    # Add the opening and closing
    # brackets at the positions from
    # mergedIntervals
    for arr in mergedInterval:
        sb += s[pre:arr[0]]
        sb += '('
        sb += s[arr[0]:arr[1] + 1]
        sb += ')'
        pre = arr[1] + 1
    sb += s[pre:len(s)]
    return sb
# Driver code
S = "abcdefgh"
subs = ['ef', 'bc', 'g']
print(addParentheses(S, subs))
'''This code is contributed by RAJAT KUMAR...'''


// JavaScript code to implement the approach
// Function that takes a set of
// intervals, merges overlapping and
// contiguous intervals and
// returns the merged intervals
function  mergeIntervals(interval)
  // Stores the new indices after
  // merging
  let mergedInterval = [];
  let start = interval[0][0];
  let end = interval[0][1];
  for (let i = 1; i < interval.length; i++) {
    // Intervals merge so update end index
    if (interval[i][0] <= end
        || interval[i][0] == end + 1) {
      end = Math.max(end, interval[i][1]);
    else {
      // Intervals don't merge so
      // add current interval to
      // mergedInterval
      let al = [];
      // Update start and end index
      start = interval[i][0];
      end = interval[i][1];
  // Add last interval to merged interval
  let al = [];
  return mergedInterval;
// Function finds the starting and
// ending position of
// substring in given input string
function findSubStringIndex(subStr, s)
  let i = 0, j = subStr.length;
  while (j <= s.length) {
    if (s.substring(i, j) == subStr) {
      return [ i, j - 1 ];
  return [];
// Function to add parentheses at given index
function addParentheses(s,subs)
  // Interval stores the opening,
  // closing position of each
  // substring in subs
  let interval = new Array(subs.length).fill(0).map(()=>new Array(2));
  // Loop through each substring in
  // subs and add the opening and
  // closing positions into intervals
  for (let i = 0; i < subs.length; i++) {
    interval[i] = findSubStringIndex(subs[i], s);
  // Sort the intervals according to
  // opening index position
  let mergedInterval = mergeIntervals(interval);
  let sb = "";
  let pre = 0;
  // Add the opening and closing
  // brackets at the positions from
  // mergedIntervals
  for (let arr of mergedInterval) {
    sb += s.substring(pre, arr[0]);
    sb += '(';
    sb += s.substring(arr[0], arr[1] + 1);
    sb += ')';
    pre = arr[1] + 1;
  sb += s.substring(pre, s.length);
  return sb;
// Driver Code
let S = "abcdefgh";
let subs = [ "ef", "bc", "g" ];
// Function call
document.write(addParentheses(S, subs),"</br>");
// This code is contributed by shinjanpatra


// C# code to implement the approach
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
class GFG
  // Function to add parentheses at given index
  static string AddParentheses(string s, string[] subs)
  // Interval stores the opening,
  // closing position of each
  // substring in subs
  int[][] interval = new int[subs.Length][];
  for (int i = 0; i < subs.Length; i++)
  interval[i] = FindSubStringIndex(subs[i], s);
      // Sort the intervals according to
      // opening index position
      Array.Sort(interval, (a, b) => a[0] - b[0]);
      ArrayList mergedInterval = MergeIntervals(interval);
      string ans = "";
      int pre = 0;
      // Add the opening and closing
      // brackets at the positions from
      // mergedIntervals
      foreach (ArrayList arr in mergedInterval)
          ans += s.Substring(pre, (int)arr[0] - pre);
          ans += "(";
          ans += s.Substring((int)arr[0], (int)arr[1] - (int)arr[0] + 1);
          ans += ")";
          pre = (int)arr[1] + 1;
      ans += s.Substring(pre, s.Length - pre);
      return ans;
  // Function that takes a set of
  // intervals, merges overlapping and
  // contiguous intervals and
  // returns the merged intervals
  private static ArrayList MergeIntervals(int[][] interval)
      // Stores the new indices after
      // merging
      ArrayList mergedInterval = new ArrayList();
      int start = interval[0][0];
      int end = interval[0][1];
      for (int i = 1; i < interval.Length; i++)
          // Intervals merge so update end index
          if (interval[i][0] <= end
              || interval[i][0] == end + 1)
              end = Math.Max(end, interval[i][1]);
              // Intervals don't merge so
              // add current interval to
              // mergedInterval
              ArrayList al = new ArrayList();
              // Update start and end index
              start = interval[i][0];
              end = interval[i][1];
      // Add last interval to merged interval
      ArrayList al2 = new ArrayList();
      return mergedInterval;
  // Function finds the starting and
  // ending position of
  // substring in given input string
  static int[] FindSubStringIndex(string subStr, string s)
      int i = 0, j = subStr.Length;
      while (j <= s.Length)
          if (s.Substring(i, j - i).Equals(subStr))
              return new int[] { i, j - 1 };
      return null;
  // Driver Code
  public static void Main(string[] args)
      string S = "abcdefgh";
      string[] subs = { "ef", "bc", "g" };
      // Function call
      Console.WriteLine(AddParentheses(S, subs));
// Contributed by adityashae15



Time Complexity: O(N*logN + N*M) where N is the size of subs[] and M is the length of S
Auxiliary Space: O(N)

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