Ember.js is an open-source JavaScript framework used for developing large client-side web applications which is based on Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture. Ember.js is one of the most widely used front-end application frameworks. It is made to speed up development and increase productivity. Currently, it is utilized by a large number of websites, including Square, Discourse, Groupon, Linked In, Live Nation, Twitch, and Chipotle.
The action() method is used to create the function that will be invoked when a matching action is triggered from within templates and that application’s current route is this route.
action:{ // functions };
- functions: These are the functions that are invoked when a matching action will trigger from within templates.
Steps to Install and Run Ember.js:
Step 1: To run the following examples you will need to have an ember project with you. To create one, you will need to install ember-cli first. Write the below code in the terminal:
npm install ember-cli
Step 2: Now you can create the project by typing in the following piece of code:
ember new <project-name> --lang en
To start the server, type:
ember serve
Example 1: Type the following code to generate the route for this example:
ember generate route action1
import Controller from '@ember/controller' ; import { action, find } from '@ember/object' ; import Ember from 'ember' let Student = Ember.Object.extend({ // These will be supplied by `create` firstName: null , lastName: null , fullName: Ember.computed( 'firstName' , 'lastName' , function () { return `${ this .get( 'firstName' )} ${ this .get( 'lastName' )}`; }), Changed: Ember.observer( 'fullName' , function () { console.log(`fullName changed to: ${ this .get( 'fullName' )}`); }) }); export default class Array2Controller extends Controller { stu2 = Student.create({ firstName: 'Kasual' , lastName: 'Singh' , Id: 'stu2' }); stu0 = Student.create({ firstName: 'Yehuda' , lastName: 'Katz' , Id: 'stu0' }); stu1 = Student.create({ firstName: 'Yella' , lastName: 'melo' , Id: 'stu1' }); stu3 = Student.create({ firstName: 'Pokhu' , lastName: 'Verma' , Id: 'stu3' }); value = this .stu3.get( 'Id' ); students = [ this .stu0, this .stu1, this .stu2, this .stu3] @action print(data1, data2) { let ans = this .students.findBy( 'Id' , data1) ans.set( 'firstName' , data2) } } |
< table > < tr > < th >Name</ th > < th >Id</ th > </ tr > {{#each this.students as |detail|}} < tr > < td >{{detail.fullName}}</ td > < td >{{get detail "Id"}}</ td > </ tr > {{/each}} </ table > < br /> {{input value=this.value}} {{input value=this.value2}} < br /> < input type = "button" id = "set-code" value = "Update Student details" {{action "print" this.value this.value2}} /> |
Example 2: Type the following code to generate the route for this example:
ember generate route action2
import Route from '@ember/routing/route' ; export default class StudentsRoute extends Route { p1 = [ 'Digital Camera' , 'Jugs, cups & straws' , 'Balloons' , 'Scissors' , 'Cold Drink' , 'Table' , ]; model() { return this .p1; } setupController(controller, model) { super .setupController(controller, model); controller.set( 'p1' , this .p1); } } |
import Ember from 'ember' ; export default Ember.Controller.extend({ value: 'value' , init() { this ._super(...arguments); this .addObserver( 'value' , this , 'Change' ); }, Change() { console.log( 'value changed' ); }, actions: { remove(data) { this .p1.set( '[]' , this .p1.without(data)); }, print() { let ans = this .p1.set( '[]' ); alert(ans.join( '\n' )) }, }, }); |
< ul > < h3 >List is : </ h3 > {{#each @model as |party|}} < li >{{party}}</ li > {{/each}} </ ul > < br /> {{input value=this.value}} < br /> < input type = "button" id = "check-atIndex" value = "Remove" {{action 'remove' this.value}} /> < br />< br /> < input type = "button" id = "print-item" value = "Print All Items" {{action 'print' this.value}} /> |
Reference: https://api.emberjs.com/ember/4.6/classes/Controller/properties/actions?anchor=actions