Two of the most useful on-demand interfaces in all of iOS are Control Center and the Today widget page, and if you’re any bit familiar with how iOS works, then you’d know that these interfaces are entirely separate from one another. But they don’t have to be… at least not anymore.
Enter Dyadic a newly released jailbreak tweak by iOS developer nicho1asdev that combines the two interfaces into one for a slicker user experience. What’s more is the tweak works seamlessly on both iPhones and iPads alike, ensuring a seamless ‘just works’ experience across all your jailbroken iOS devices.
In the screenshot examples posted above and below, you can see how the interface differs between the iPhone and the iPad. On the iPhone’s rather limited screen real estate, the interface is separated into two distinct columns that are easily tapped by the user to switch between them. On the iPad, which sports more screen real estate, the interfaces are shown at the same time.
Once installed, Dyadic puts a new preference pane in the Settings app where you can configure the tweak to your liking:
Here, you can:
- Toggle Dyadic on or off on demand
- Choose between a dark or light interface
- Enable or disable the widgets/toggles buttons on the iPhone
- Remove the Today view from the interface
- Remove the Weather footer text from the interface
- Enable or disable gestures
- Enable or disable grabber bards
- And more…
The developer provides a Respring button at the top of the preference pane to help you save any changes you make on demand.
Personally, I find Dyadic to be a wonderful idea, as Apple’s existing interface pathways feel somewhat fragmented. This highly integrated interface feels substantially more productive, and for that reason, I think it’s a better user experience than what Apple provides out of the box.
If you’re interested in giving Dyadic a try, the tweak can be had from the Twickd repository via your preferred package manager for $1.99. The tweak supports jailbroken iOS 13 devices.
Will you be giving Dyadic a try? Let us know why or why not in the comments section below.