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Draw Starry Sky with Moon using Turtle in Python

Prerequisites: Turtle Programming in Python

In Python, Turtle is an in-built library that provides us to draw different patterns, shapes or anything we want but for that, we have to be aware of the uses of different functions provided by Turtle library.

In this article we are going to learn how to draw the Starry Sky. Maybe this article went long but after reading the whole article you get to understand each and every step easily.

For that, we are using the turtle library and random module for generating random positions to draw to the stars.

Methods we are using to draw Starry Sky are listed below.

Turtle() None  It creates and returns a new turtle object.
bgcolor color name fills the color in the background of the window
circle() radius, extent, steps Draw a circle with given radius.
title() name Gives name to the turtle window
forward() / fd() amount It moves the turtle forward by the specified amount.
Screen() None After passing this method turtle screen will be active
speed value Decides the speed of the pen
up() None Picks up the turtle’s Pen.
down() None Picks down the turtle’s Pen.
left() angle It turns the turtle counter clockwise.
right() angle It turns the turtle clockwise.
goto()  x, y It moves the turtle to position x, y.
begin_fill() None Call just before drawing a shape to be filled. Equivalent to fill(True).
end_fill() None Fill the shape drawn after the last call to begin_fill(). Equivalent to fill(False).
hideturtle() None Hides the turtle after finishing the drawing.
exitonclick() None On clicking exit the turtle screen.
randint start, end value Generates random values with in the given range.

Our Starry Sky is made up of many Stars and with one moon which is in the shape of a Circle. So, we have to learn first how to draw the Stars and Circle.

Let’s first learn how to draw the star through our code.


# importing turtle library
import turtle
# creating turtle object
t = turtle.Turtle()
# to activate turtle graphics screen
w = turtle.Screen()
# speed of turtle's pen
# creating star
for i in range(0, 5):
# after clicking turtle graphics screen
# will be terminated


In the above code, we run the for loop from range 0 to 5 because as we all knew star has 5 edges and the angle between two edges will be 144 degrees to make the perfect star that’s what we are doing in the line t.right(144) we are moving the turtles head at the angle 144 degrees and the line t.fd(200) decides the size of our star (smaller the value = smaller the star)

Now, we are going to learn how to draw the Circle through our code.


# importing turtle library
import turtle
# creating turtle object
t = turtle.Turtle()
# to activate turtle graphics Screen
w = turtle.Screen()
# speed of turtle's pen
# Creating circle
# after clicking turtle graphics screen
# will be terminated


In the above code, for making a circle we are using the circle function provided by the turtle library, only we had passed the parameter 100 which defines the radius of the circle. After running our code we get our circle.

So, finally, we had learned how to draw the star and the circle.

Now we are going to draw our Starry Sky.


# importing libraries
import turtle
import random
# creating turtle object
t = turtle.Turtle()
# to activate turtle graphics Screen
w = turtle.Screen()
# setting speed of turtle
# giving the background color of turtle
# graphics screen
# giving the color of pen to our turtle
# for drawing
# giving title to our turtle graphics window
w.title("Starry Sky")
# making function to draw the stars
def stars():
    for i in range(5):
# loop for making number of stars
for i in range(100):
    # generating random integer values for x and y
    x = random.randint(-640, 640)
    y = random.randint(-330, 330)
    # calling the function stars to draw the
    # stars at random x,y value
    # took up the turtle's pen
    # go at the x,y coordinate generated above
    t.goto(x, y)
    # took down the pen to draw
# for making our moon looking up the pen
# going at the specific coordinated
t.goto(0, 170)
# took down the pen to start drawing
# giving color to turtle's pen
# start filling the color
# making our moon
# stop filling the color
# after drawing hiding the turtle from
# the window
# terminated the window after clicking


Starry Sky

In the above code you will be understand after reading the comments before every line of code you get the crystal clear idea that how our code works and drawing the Starry stars.


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