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Download Youtube Video(s) or whole Playlist with Python


Python offers multiple options for developing GUI (Graphical User Interface). Out of all the GUI methods, Tkinter is the most commonly used method. It is a standard Python interface to the Tk GUI toolkit shipped with Python. Python with Tkinter is the fastest and easiest way to create GUI applications.

In this article, we will discuss how we can create a GUI application to download a YouTube video or a complete YouTube playlist using python. 

Before we get started first we will discuss pyyoutube module. The pyyoutube module provides an easy way to use the YouTube Data API V3.


pip install python-youtube
pip install pytube

Download Selected Video From YouTube Playlist

In this section, we will learn, how to download only selected videos from YouTube Playlist Using Tkinter in Python.


  • First, we will fetch all video link from the YouTube playlist using the pyyoutube module.
  • Then we will select the video link, which we want to download.
  • Then we will download each video one by one using pytube module.

Below is what the GUI looks like:

Let’s Understand step by step implementation:

  • Create a Tkinter window and add Buttons, Labels, Scrollbar, etc…


# Import Required Modules
from tkinter import *
# Create Object
root = Tk()
# Set geometry
# Add Label
Label(root, text="Youtube Playlist Downloader",
      font="italic 15 bold").pack(pady=10)
Label(root, text="Enter Playlist URL:-", font="italic 10").pack()
# Add Entry box
playlistId = Entry(root, width=60)
# Add Button
get_videos = Button(root, text="Get Videos")
# Add Scorllbar
scrollbar = Scrollbar(root)
scrollbar.pack(side=RIGHT, fill=BOTH)
list_box = Listbox(root, selectmode="multiple")
list_box.pack(expand=YES, fill="both")
download_start = Button(root, text="Download Start", state=DISABLED)
# Execute Tkinter

  • Now we will create three functions:
  1. get_list_videos:- It will give a list of all video links of a YouTube playlist.
  2. threading:- It is used for threading in Tkinter.
  3. download_videos:- It is used for downloading YouTube video.


def get_list_videos():
    global playlist_item_by_id
    # Clear ListBox
    list_box.delete(0, 'end')
    # Create API Object
    api = Api(api_key='Enter API Key')
    if "youtube" in playlistId.get():
        playlist_id = playlistId.get()[len(
        playlist_id = playlistId.get()
    # Get list of video links
    playlist_item_by_id = api.get_playlist_items(
        playlist_id=playlist_id, count=None, return_json=True)
    # Iterate through all video links and insert into listbox
    for index, videoid in enumerate(playlist_item_by_id['items']):
            END, f" {str(index+1)}. {videoid['contentDetails']['videoId']}")
def threading():
    # Call download_videos function
    t1 = Thread(target=download_videos)
def download_videos():
    # Iterate through all selected videos
    for i in list_box.curselection():
        videoid = playlist_item_by_id['items'][i]['contentDetails']['videoId']
        link = f"{videoid}"
        yt_obj = YouTube(link)
        filters = yt_obj.streams.filter(progressive=True, file_extension='mp4')
        # download the highest quality video
    messagebox.showinfo("Success", "Video Successfully downloaded")

Below is the complete Implementation:


# Import Required Modules
from tkinter import *
from pyyoutube import Api
from pytube import YouTube
from threading import Thread
from tkinter import messagebox
def get_list_videos():
    global playlist_item_by_id
    # Clear ListBox
    list_box.delete(0, 'end')
    # Create API Object
    api = Api(api_key='Enter API Key')
    if "youtube" in playlistId.get():
        playlist_id = playlistId.get()[len(
        playlist_id = playlistId.get()
    # Get list of video links
    playlist_item_by_id = api.get_playlist_items(
        playlist_id=playlist_id, count=None, return_json=True)
    # Iterate through all video links and insert into listbox
    for index, videoid in enumerate(playlist_item_by_id['items']):
            END, f" {str(index+1)}. {videoid['contentDetails']['videoId']}")
def threading():
    # Call download_videos function
    t1 = Thread(target=download_videos)
def download_videos():
    # Iterate through all selected videos
    for i in list_box.curselection():
        videoid = playlist_item_by_id['items'][i]['contentDetails']['videoId']
        link = f"{videoid}"
        yt_obj = YouTube(link)
        filters = yt_obj.streams.filter(progressive=True, file_extension='mp4')
        # download the highest quality video
    messagebox.showinfo("Success", "Video Successfully downloaded")
# Create Object
root = Tk()
# Set geometry
# Add Label
Label(root, text="Youtube Playlist Downloader",
      font="italic 15 bold").pack(pady=10)
Label(root, text="Enter Playlist URL:-", font="italic 10").pack()
# Add Entry box
playlistId = Entry(root, width=60)
# Add Button
get_videos = Button(root, text="Get Videos", command=get_list_videos)
# Add Scrollbar
scrollbar = Scrollbar(root)
scrollbar.pack(side=RIGHT, fill=BOTH)
list_box = Listbox(root, selectmode="multiple")
list_box.pack(expand=YES, fill="both")
download_start = Button(root, text="Download Start",
                        command=threading, state=DISABLED)
# Execute Tkinter


Download Complete YouTube Playlist

Here, we will learn, how to download the complete YouTube Playlist in Tkinter using Python.


  • First, we will fetch all video links from the YouTube playlist using the pyyoutube module.
  • Then we will Iterate through all videos and download each video one by one using pytube module.

Below is what the GUI looks like:

Let’s Understand step by step implementation:

  • Create a Tkinter window and add Buttons, Labels, etc…


# Import Required Modules
from tkinter import *
# Create Object
root = Tk()
# Set geometry
# Add Label
Label(root, text="Youtube Playlist Downloader",
      font="italic 15 bold").pack(pady=10)
Label(root, text="Enter Playlist URL:-", font="italic 10").pack()
# Add Entry box
playlistId = Entry(root, width=60)
download_start = Button(root, text="Download Start")
# Execute Tkinter

  • Now we will create two functions:
  1. threading:- It is used for threading in Tkinter.
  2. download_videos:- It is used for downloading YouTube video.


def threading():
    # Call download_videos function
    t1 = Thread(target=download_videos)
def download_videos():
    # Create API Object
    api = Api(api_key='Enter API Key')
    if "youtube" in playlistId.get():
        playlist_id = playlistId.get()[len(
        playlist_id = playlistId.get()
    # Get list of video links
    playlist_item_by_id = api.get_playlist_items(
        playlist_id=playlist_id, count=None, return_json=True)
    # Iterate through all video links
    for index, videoid in enumerate(playlist_item_by_id['items']):
        link = f"{videoid['contentDetails']['videoId']}"
        yt_obj = YouTube(link)
        filters = yt_obj.streams.filter(progressive=True, file_extension='mp4')
        # download the highest quality video
        print(f"Downloaded:- {link}")
    messagebox.showinfo("Success", "Video Successfully downloaded")

Below is the complete Implementation:


# Import Required Modules
from tkinter import *
from pyyoutube import Api
from pytube import YouTube
from threading import Thread
from tkinter import messagebox
def threading():
    # Call download_videos function
    t1 = Thread(target=download_videos)
def download_videos():
    # Create API Object
    api = Api(api_key='Enter API Key')
    if "youtube" in playlistId.get():
        playlist_id = playlistId.get()[len(
        playlist_id = playlistId.get()
    # Get list of video links
    playlist_item_by_id = api.get_playlist_items(
        playlist_id=playlist_id, count=None, return_json=True)
    # Iterate through all video links
    for index, videoid in enumerate(playlist_item_by_id['items']):
        link = f"{videoid['contentDetails']['videoId']}"
        yt_obj = YouTube(link)
        filters = yt_obj.streams.filter(progressive=True, file_extension='mp4')
        # download the highest quality video
        print(f"Downloaded:- {link}")
    messagebox.showinfo("Success", "Video Successfully downloaded")
# Create Object
root = Tk()
# Set geometry
# Add Label
Label(root, text="Youtube Playlist Downloader",
      font="italic 15 bold").pack(pady=10)
Label(root, text="Enter Playlist URL:-", font="italic 10").pack()
# Add Entry box
playlistId = Entry(root, width=60)
download_start = Button(root, text="Download Start", command=threading)
# Execute Tkinter



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