Instance attributes are those attributes that are not shared by objects. Every object has its own copy of the instance attribute i.e. for every object, instance attribute is different. There are two ways to access the instance variable of class:
Example 1: Using Self and object reference
#creating class class student: # constructor def __init__( self , name, rollno): # instance variable self .name = name self .rollno = rollno def display( self ): # using self to access # variable inside class print ("hello my name is :", self .name) print ("my roll number is :", self .rollno) # Driver Code # object created s = student( 'HARRY' , 1001 ) # function call through object s.display() # accessing variable from # outside the class print ( |
hello my name is: HARRY my roll number is: 1001 HARRY
Time complexity: O(1) for both creating the class and calling the display() method and accessing the name variable outside the class.
Auxiliary space: O(1) as there are no additional data structures used and the memory space is constant.
Example 2: Using getattr()
# Python code for accessing attributes of class class emp: name = 'Harsh' salary = '25000' def show( self ): print ( self .name) print ( self .salary) # Driver Code e1 = emp() # Use getattr instead of print ( getattr (e1, 'name' )) # returns true if object has attribute print ( hasattr (e1, 'name' )) # sets an attribute setattr (e1, 'height' , 152 ) # returns the value of attribute name height print ( getattr (e1, 'height' )) # delete the attribute delattr (emp, 'salary' ) |
Harsh True 152