Accounting software /medical software / educational software etc. requires sorted data to be given for some analysis and also to prepare bar charts, pie charts, bar graphs, etc., In this tutorial let us see how to get sorted data in a java way. We need to know about the comparable interface and comparator interface also before moving further.
Comparable interface is in java.lang package and follows natural ordering and orders the data in ascending order/descending order format. It uses the compareTo method and according to the specification will get sorted either in ascending/descending order. No extra package is required.
For using the Comparator interface, we need to use java.util package and it uses compare method and compares the objects. In different ways, we can sort the data. For example, GeekEmployee with id, name, and age are available means, we can sort by means of name or by means of age, etc.,
As a sample maven project let us see the different ways carried out and also unit testing also covered in the project.
Example Maven Project
Project Structure:
<? xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8" ?> xsi:schemaLocation=" < modelVersion >4.0.0</ modelVersion > < artifactId >java-arrays-sorting-techniques</ artifactId > < name >java-arrays-sorting-techniques</ name > < packaging >jar</ packaging > < parent > < artifactId >java-arrays-sorting-techniques</ artifactId > < groupId >com.gfg</ groupId > < version >0.0.1-SNAPSHOT</ version > </ parent > < dependencies > <!-- Utilities --> < dependency > < groupId >org.apache.commons</ groupId > < artifactId >commons-lang3</ artifactId > < version >${commons-lang3.version}</ version > </ dependency > <!-- Benchmarking --> < dependency > < groupId >org.openjdk.jmh</ groupId > < artifactId >jmh-core</ artifactId > < version >${jmh-core.version}</ version > </ dependency > < dependency > < groupId >org.openjdk.jmh</ groupId > < artifactId >jmh-generator-annprocess</ artifactId > < version >${jmh-generator.version}</ version > </ dependency > </ dependencies > < build > < plugins > < plugin > < groupId >org.apache.maven.plugins</ groupId > < artifactId >maven-shade-plugin</ artifactId > < version >${shade.plugin.version}</ version > < executions > < execution > < phase >package</ phase > < goals > < goal >shade</ goal > </ goals > < configuration > < finalName >benchmarks</ finalName > < transformers > < transformer implementation = "org.apache.maven.plugins.shade.resource.ManifestResourceTransformer" > < mainClass >org.openjdk.jmh.Main</ mainClass > </ transformer > </ transformers > </ configuration > </ execution > </ executions > </ plugin > </ plugins > </ build > < properties > < shade.plugin.version >3.2.0</ shade.plugin.version > </ properties > </ project > |
Let us first check out the java files
Model class
import; public class GeekEmployee implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = -2454619097207585825L; private int id; private String name; private int age; public GeekEmployee() { } public GeekEmployee( int id, String name) { this .id = id; this .name = name; } public GeekEmployee( int id, String name, int age) { this .id = id; this .name = name; this .age = age; } public int getAge() { return age; } public int getId() { return id; } public void setAge( int age) { this .age = age; } public void setId( int id) { this .id = id; } public String getName() { return name; } public void setName(String name) { this .name = name; } } |
Let us do the sorting both in a comparator and comparable way
import java.util.Comparator; public class CheckingSortedArrayContents { boolean isSortedCheck1RecursiveWay( int [] array, int length) { if (array == null || length < 2 ) return true ; if (array[length - 2 ] > array[length - 1 ]) return false ; return isSortedCheck1RecursiveWay(array, length - 1 ); } boolean isSortedCheck2( int [] array) { for ( int i = 0 ; i < array.length - 1 ; i++) { if (array[i] > array[i + 1 ]) return false ; } return true ; } boolean isSortedCheck3InComparableWay(Comparable[] array, int length) { if (array == null || length < 2 ) return true ; if (array[length - 2 ].compareTo(array[length - 1 ]) > 0 ) return false ; return isSortedCheck3InComparableWay(array, length - 1 ); } boolean isSortedCheck4(Comparable[] array) { for ( int i = 0 ; i < array.length - 1 ; ++i) { if (array[i].compareTo(array[i + 1 ]) > 0 ) return false ; } return true ; } boolean isSortedCheck5InComparatorWay(Object[] array, Comparator comparator) { for ( int i = 0 ; i < array.length - 1 ; ++i) { if ([i], (array[i + 1 ])) > 0 ) return false ; } return true ; } boolean isSortedCheck6(Object[] array, Comparator comparator, int length) { if (array == null || length < 2 ) return true ; if ([length - 2 ], array[length - 1 ]) > 0 ) return false ; return isSortedCheck6(array, comparator, length - 1 ); } } |
It is always good to follow sorting in different ways
- sorting – WithForLoop
- sorting – WithCollectionsReverse
- sorting – WithCommonsLang
Let us see them via the below methods in a java file
import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import org.apache.commons.lang3.ArrayUtils; public class DifferentWaysOfSorting { public void sortingWithForLoop(Object[] array) { for ( int i = 0 ; i < array.length / 2 ; i++) { Object temp = array[i]; array[i] = array[array.length - 1 - i]; array[array.length - 1 - i] = temp; } } public void sortingWithCollectionsReverse(Object[] array) { List<Object> list = Arrays.asList(array); Collections.reverse(list); } public void sortingWithCommonsLang(Object[] array) { ArrayUtils.reverse(array); } } |
To confirm the above executions, always it is good to go with some unit tests
import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThat; import java.util.Comparator; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import com.gfg.model.GeekEmployee; public class CheckingSortedArrayContentsUnitTest { private static final int [] SORTEDINTEGERS = { 10 , 300 , 5000 , 70000 , 900000 }; private static final int [] NOTSORTEDINTEGERS = { 100 , 30 , 11000 , 7000 }; private static final String[] SORTEDSTRINGS = { "champion" , "geeks" , "hackathon" }; private static final String[] NOTSORTEDSTRINGS = { "geeks" , "champion" , "tressurehunt" , "hackathon" }; private static final GeekEmployee[] GEEKEMPLOYEESSORTEDBYNAME = { new GeekEmployee( 1 , "Monica" , 30 ), new GeekEmployee( 2 , "Phoebe" , 31 ), new GeekEmployee( 3 , "Rachel" , 27 )}; private static final GeekEmployee[] GEEKEMPLOYEESNOTSORTEDBYNAME = { new GeekEmployee( 1 , "Rachel" , 31 ), new GeekEmployee( 2 , "Monica" , 26 ), new GeekEmployee( 3 , "Phoebe" , 27 )}; private static final GeekEmployee[] GEEKEMPLOYEESSORTEDBYAGE = { new GeekEmployee( 1 , "Ross" , 28 ), new GeekEmployee( 2 , "Chandler" , 30 ), new GeekEmployee( 3 , "Joey" , 32 )}; private static final GeekEmployee[] GEEKEMPLOYEESNOTSORTEDBYAGE = { new GeekEmployee( 1 , "Chandler" , 30 ), new GeekEmployee( 2 , "Joey" , 32 ), new GeekEmployee( 3 , "Ross" , 28 )}; private CheckingSortedArrayContents sortedArrayChecker; @Before public void setup() { sortedArrayChecker = new CheckingSortedArrayContents(); } @Test public void givenIntegerArray_thenReturnIfItIsSortedOrNot() { assertThat(sortedArrayChecker.isSortedCheck2(SORTEDINTEGERS)).isEqualTo( true ); assertThat(sortedArrayChecker.isSortedCheck2(NOTSORTEDINTEGERS)).isEqualTo( false ); assertThat(sortedArrayChecker.isSortedCheck1RecursiveWay(SORTEDINTEGERS, SORTEDINTEGERS.length)).isEqualTo( true ); assertThat(sortedArrayChecker.isSortedCheck1RecursiveWay(NOTSORTEDINTEGERS, NOTSORTEDINTEGERS.length)).isEqualTo( false ); } @Test public void givenStringArray_thenReturnIfItIsSortedOrNot() { assertThat(sortedArrayChecker.isSortedCheck4(SORTEDSTRINGS)).isEqualTo( true ); assertThat(sortedArrayChecker.isSortedCheck4(NOTSORTEDSTRINGS)).isEqualTo( false ); assertThat(sortedArrayChecker.isSortedCheck3InComparableWay(SORTEDSTRINGS, SORTEDSTRINGS.length)).isEqualTo( true ); assertThat(sortedArrayChecker.isSortedCheck3InComparableWay(NOTSORTEDSTRINGS, NOTSORTEDSTRINGS.length)).isEqualTo( false ); } @Test public void givenEmployeeArray_thenReturnIfItIsSortedOrNot() { assertThat(sortedArrayChecker.isSortedCheck5InComparatorWay(GEEKEMPLOYEESSORTEDBYNAME, Comparator.comparing(GeekEmployee::getName))).isEqualTo( true ); assertThat(sortedArrayChecker.isSortedCheck5InComparatorWay(GEEKEMPLOYEESNOTSORTEDBYNAME, Comparator.comparing(GeekEmployee::getName))).isEqualTo( false ); assertThat(sortedArrayChecker.isSortedCheck5InComparatorWay(GEEKEMPLOYEESSORTEDBYAGE, Comparator.comparingInt(GeekEmployee::getAge))).isEqualTo( true ); assertThat(sortedArrayChecker.isSortedCheck5InComparatorWay(GEEKEMPLOYEESNOTSORTEDBYAGE, Comparator.comparingInt(GeekEmployee::getAge))).isEqualTo( false ); assertThat(sortedArrayChecker .isSortedCheck6(GEEKEMPLOYEESSORTEDBYAGE, Comparator.comparingInt(GeekEmployee::getAge), GEEKEMPLOYEESSORTEDBYAGE.length)) .isEqualTo( true ); assertThat(sortedArrayChecker .isSortedCheck6(GEEKEMPLOYEESNOTSORTEDBYAGE, Comparator.comparingInt(GeekEmployee::getAge), GEEKEMPLOYEESNOTSORTEDBYAGE.length)) .isEqualTo( false ); } } |
Output of JUnit:
import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThat; import org.junit.Test; public class DifferentWaysOfSortingUnitTest { private String[] employeeNames = { "rachel" , "ross" , "monica" , "chandler" , "joey" , "phoebe" }; @Test public void invertingArrayWithForLoopPattern() { DifferentWaysOfSorting inverter = new DifferentWaysOfSorting(); inverter.sortingWithForLoop(employeeNames); assertThat( new String[] { "phoebe" , "joey" , "chandler" , "monica" , "ross" , "rachel" }).isEqualTo(employeeNames); } @Test public void invertingArrayWithCollectionsReverse() { DifferentWaysOfSorting inverter = new DifferentWaysOfSorting(); inverter.sortingWithCollectionsReverse(employeeNames); assertThat( new String[] { "phoebe" , "joey" , "chandler" , "monica" , "ross" , "rachel" }).isEqualTo(employeeNames); } @Test public void invertingArrayWithCommonsLang() { DifferentWaysOfSorting inverter = new DifferentWaysOfSorting(); inverter.sortingWithCommonsLang(employeeNames); assertThat( new String[] { "phoebe" , "joey" , "chandler" , "monica" , "ross" , "rachel" }).isEqualTo(employeeNames); } } |
Output of JUnit:
According to our needs, arrays can be sorted out in java using comparable and comparator interface as the base. It is a good practice always to do unit testing for any piece of software. It helps to eradicate errors to the maximum extent and also it helps to determine the best pattern that suits requirements. It can be judged by means of the time required to complete the flow.