1. str(dic) :- This method is used to return the string, denoting all the dictionary keys with their values.
2. items() :- This method is used to return the list with all dictionary keys with values.
# Python code to demonstrate working of # str() and items() # Initializing dictionary dic = { 'Name' : 'Nandini' , 'Age' : 19 } # using str() to display dic as string print ( "The constituents of dictionary as string are : " ) print ( str (dic)) # using str() to display dic as list print ( "The constituents of dictionary as list are : " ) print (dic.items()) |
The constituents of dictionary as string are : {'Name': 'Nandini', 'Age': 19} The constituents of dictionary as list are : dict_items([('Name', 'Nandini'), ('Age', 19)])
3. len() :- It returns the count of key entities of the dictionary elements.
4. type() :- This function returns the data type of the argument.
# Python code to demonstrate working of # len() and type() # Initializing dictionary dic = { 'Name' : 'Nandini' , 'Age' : 19 , 'ID' : 2541997 } # Initializing list li = [ 1 , 3 , 5 , 6 ] # using len() to display dic size print ( "The size of dic is : " ,end = "") print ( len (dic)) # using type() to display data type print ( "The data type of dic is : " ,end = "") print ( type (dic)) # using type() to display data type print ( "The data type of li is : " ,end = "") print ( type (li)) |
The size of dic is : 3 The data type of dic is : The data type of li is :
5. copy() :- This function creates the shallow copy of the dictionary into other dictionary.
6. clear() :- This function is used to clear the dictionary contents.
# Python code to demonstrate working of # clear() and copy() # Initializing dictionary dic1 = { 'Name' : 'Nandini' , 'Age' : 19 } # Initializing dictionary dic3 = {} # using copy() to make shallow copy of dictionary dic3 = dic1.copy() # printing new dictionary print ( "The new copied dictionary is : " ) print (dic3.items()) # clearing the dictionary dic1.clear() # printing cleared dictionary print ( "The contents of deleted dictionary is : " ,end = "") print (dic1.items()) |
The new copied dictionary is : dict_items([('Age', 19), ('Name', 'Nandini')]) The contents of deleted dictionary is : dict_items([])