Despite Apple’s recent iPhone announcement event, the jailbreak community is still kicking with hot new releases in Cydia.
In this roundup, we’ll discuss all the new jailbreak tweaks released from September 17th to September 23rd. As always, we’ll start by reviewing our favorites and then outline the rest afterward.
Our favorite releases this week
Delimunator& Neblua – $2.00-$2.80
While there are tons of Dark Mode jailbreak tweaks out there, Deluminator and Nebula are some of the first to bring Dark Mode functionality to individual web pages that you visit in your favorite web browser(s).
These tweaks include different features at different price points, but ultimately achieve similar effects. If you hate the eye-jarring websites you visit while using Dark Mode tweaks, then these can compliment your experience quite nicely.
If you want to learn more about Deluminator and Nebula, then we recommend reading our in-depth review.
LendMyPhone – $3.99
LendMyPhone is a new take on adding “guest modes” to your iOS device. With it, you can set up a custom passcode for someone else to sign into your handset, and it will automatically limit access based on the settings you’ve configured.
LendMyPhone is perfect for friends and family, as it lets you hand your phone to others without worrying about privacy.
You can learn more about LendMyPhone and how it works in our full review.
SmartVolumeControl2 – $1.99
iOS’ stock volume HUD is nothing short of atrocious, and SmartVolumeControl2 can help fix that.
After installation, you can theme your volume HUD with one of eight included themes. The tweak also lets you adjust the volume HUD behavior with interactive color schemes and haptic feedback, among other things.
You can learn more about SmartVolumeControl2 and the features it brings to the table in our full review.
Other releases this week
AutoDismissSiri: Automatically dismisses the Siri interface if left idle for too long (free via Packix repository – review)
BetterTelegram: Brings a slew of improvements to the Telegram app (free via BigBoss repository)
ByeDragandDrop: Disables the native Drag and Drop feature in iOS (free via CydiaGeek’s beta repository)
ByeShazamSponsored: Removes the sponsored apps from the Shazam app (free via CydiaGeek’s beta repository)
ChangeMyOldies: Customize Notification Center’s “No Older Notification” text (free via BigBoss repository)
CompactDate: Simplifies the aesthetic of the Lock screen date indicator (free via BigBoss repository)
DoubleTake: Prevents you from forgetting who you’re texting and prevents accidental message sends (free via Packix repository)
RecordBetter: Removes the red screen recorder indicator from your Status Bar (free via ca13ra1’s beta repository)
RemoveThatLine: Removes the line below the navigation bar in certain apps (free via Packix repository)
Send Separately: Send messages to a group of people separately instead of in a group message (free via Packix repository – review)
That wraps things up for this week’s jailbreak tweak roundup, but remember to stay tuned to iDB throughout the week to stay updated on new releases as they materialize.
If you’re looking for more tweaks, then consider adding third-party Cydia repositories to your device to expand your scope and check out last week’s jailbreak tweak roundup in case you might’ve missed anything. We also have several dedicated roundups to help you find ways to tweak your jailbroken iOS 10 device below:
- The best jailbreak tweaks to use with iOS 10
- The 13 features iOS 11 ‘borrowed’ from the jailbreak community
- These tweaks make your jailbroken iOS 10 device look like it’s running iOS 11
What was your favorite jailbreak tweak released this week? Share in the comments section below.