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HomeMobileJailbreak‘Cybernetic’ brings new options to banner notifications

‘Cybernetic’ brings new options to banner notifications

Cybernetic featuredCybernetic featured

Cybernetic is a recently released jailbreak tweak that allows you to alter the way banner notifications work. For instance, if you tap on a banner, you can make the banner dismiss instead of opening the app associated with the notification.

If you’re looking to change some of the options when it comes to banner notifications, then look no further than Cybernetic. Check inside for our hands-on video walkthrough.

If you’d like to swipe down — called pan in Cybernetic’s settings — in order to open the associated app, then you can do so by enabling the ‘Pan to launch App’ setting in the tweak’s preferences. Cybernetic also allows you to enable a ‘No more banners’ option to completely get rid of all notification banners.

Cybernetic works pretty much exactly as advertised, and can be had free of charge via Cydia’s ModMyi repo. If you decide to take this tweak for a test spin, then by all means do so, and don’t forget to share your experience in the comment section below.

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