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Custom ArrayAdapter with ListView in Android

In the previous article ArrayAdapter in Android with Example, it’s been discussed how the ArrayAdapter works and what are the data sources which can be attached to the ArrayAdapter with ListView. In this article, it’s been discussed how to implement custom ArrayAdapter with the ListView. Have a look at the following image in which a single view in the ArrayAdapter can be customized.

Custom ArrayAdapter with ListView in Android

Steps to Implement the Custom ArrayAdapter

Step 1: Create an Empty Activity project

Step 2: Working with the activity_main.xml

  • In the activity_main.xml file, the root view is ListView. Invoke the following code into the activity_main.xml file and mention the appropriate ID for the ListView.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

Step 3: Creating a custom View for ListView

  • Under layout, the folder creates a layout as custom_list_view.xml and invokes the following code.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
        tools:ignore="ContentDescription" />
            tools:ignore="RtlHardcoded" />
            tools:ignore="RtlHardcoded" />

  • For every single item in the ListView this layout creates the following view for every single item in the array adapter.

Custom ArrayAdapter with ListView in Android

Step 4: Create a custom class for custom layout

  • By creating this custom class we invoke the getter and setter manually for the custom_list_view layout.
  • Create a custom class called NumbersView under the package folder of the Application.
  • And invoke the following code.


public class NumbersView {
    // the resource ID for the imageView
    private int ivNumbersImageId;
    // TextView 1
    private String mNumberInDigit;
    // TextView 1
    private String mNumbersInText;
    // create constructor to set the values for all the parameters of the each single view
    public NumbersView(int NumbersImageId, String NumbersInDigit, String NumbersInText) {
        ivNumbersImageId = NumbersImageId;
        mNumberInDigit = NumbersInDigit;
        mNumbersInText = NumbersInText;
    // getter method for returning the ID of the imageview
    public int getNumbersImageId() {
        return ivNumbersImageId;
    // getter method for returning the ID of the TextView 1
    public String getNumberInDigit() {
        return mNumberInDigit;
    // getter method for returning the ID of the TextView 2
    public String getNumbersInText() {
        return mNumbersInText;

Step 5: Now create a custom ArrayAdapter class of the type NumbersView

  • Under the same package name, create a class of the type NumbersView which extends the ArrayAdapter class.
  • And invoke the following code inside the file. Comments are added for better understanding.


import android.content.Context;
import android.view.LayoutInflater;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.ViewGroup;
import android.widget.ArrayAdapter;
import android.widget.ImageView;
import android.widget.TextView;
import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import java.util.ArrayList;
public class NumbersViewAdapter extends ArrayAdapter<NumbersView> {
    // invoke the suitable constructor of the ArrayAdapter class
    public NumbersViewAdapter(@NonNull Context context, ArrayList<NumbersView> arrayList) {
          // pass the context and arrayList for the super 
          // constructor of the ArrayAdapter class
        super(context, 0, arrayList);
    public View getView(int position, @Nullable View convertView, @NonNull ViewGroup parent) {
        // convertView which is recyclable view
        View currentItemView = convertView;
        // of the recyclable view is null then inflate the custom layout for the same
        if (currentItemView == null) {
            currentItemView = LayoutInflater.from(getContext()).inflate(R.layout.custom_list_view, parent, false);
        // get the position of the view from the ArrayAdapter
        NumbersView currentNumberPosition = getItem(position);
        // then according to the position of the view assign the desired image for the same
        ImageView numbersImage = currentItemView.findViewById(;
        assert currentNumberPosition != null;
        // then according to the position of the view assign the desired TextView 1 for the same
        TextView textView1 = currentItemView.findViewById(;
        // then according to the position of the view assign the desired TextView 2 for the same
        TextView textView2 = currentItemView.findViewById(;
        // then return the recyclable view
        return currentItemView;

Step 6: Working with the file

  • In this case, there is a need to create a custom ArrayList of all the items that are Image for ImageView, Text for TextView 1, Text for TextView 2.


import android.os.Bundle;
import android.widget.ListView;
import java.util.ArrayList;
public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        // create a arraylist of the type NumbersView
        final ArrayList<NumbersView> arrayList = new ArrayList<NumbersView>();
        // add all the values from 1 to 15 to the arrayList
        // the items are of the type NumbersView
        arrayList.add(new NumbersView(R.drawable.geeks_logo, "1", "One"));
        arrayList.add(new NumbersView(R.drawable.geeks_logo, "2", "Two"));
        arrayList.add(new NumbersView(R.drawable.geeks_logo, "3", "Three"));
        arrayList.add(new NumbersView(R.drawable.geeks_logo, "4", "Four"));
        arrayList.add(new NumbersView(R.drawable.geeks_logo, "5", "Five"));
        arrayList.add(new NumbersView(R.drawable.geeks_logo, "6", "Six"));
        arrayList.add(new NumbersView(R.drawable.geeks_logo, "7", "Seven"));
        arrayList.add(new NumbersView(R.drawable.geeks_logo, "8", "Eight"));
        arrayList.add(new NumbersView(R.drawable.geeks_logo, "9", "Nine"));
        arrayList.add(new NumbersView(R.drawable.geeks_logo, "10", "Ten"));
        arrayList.add(new NumbersView(R.drawable.geeks_logo, "11", "Eleven"));
        arrayList.add(new NumbersView(R.drawable.geeks_logo, "12", "Twelve"));
        arrayList.add(new NumbersView(R.drawable.geeks_logo, "13", "Thirteen"));
        arrayList.add(new NumbersView(R.drawable.geeks_logo, "14", "Fourteen"));
        arrayList.add(new NumbersView(R.drawable.geeks_logo, "15", "Fifteen"));
        // Now create the instance of the NumebrsViewAdapter and pass 
          // the context and arrayList created above
        NumbersViewAdapter numbersArrayAdapter = new NumbersViewAdapter(this, arrayList);
        // create the instance of the ListView to set the numbersViewAdapter
        ListView numbersListView = findViewById(;
        // set the numbersViewAdapter for ListView

Output: Run on Emulator


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