In this article, we will create a to-do app to understand the basics of ReactJS. We will be working with class based components in this application and use the React-Bootstrap module to style the components. This to-do list can add new tasks we can also delete the tasks by clicking on them. The logic is handled by a click event handler whenever the user clicks on a task it gets deleted from the list.
Lets have a quick look at how the final application will look like:
ToDo App using ReactJS
Steps to create the Application:
- NPX: It is a package runner tool that comes with npm 5.2+, npx is easy to use CLI tools. The npx is used for executing Node packages.
npx create-react-app todo-react
- Now, goto the folder
cd todo-react
- Install the bootstrap and react-bootstrap module
npm install bootstrap npm install react-bootstrap
After following the above steps the Folder structure will look like:
Folder Structure:
The dependencies in package.json file will look like:
"dependencies": { "@testing-library/jest-dom": "^5.16.5", "@testing-library/react": "^13.4.0", "@testing-library/user-event": "^13.5.0", "react": "^18.2.0", "bootstrap": "^5.3.0", "react-bootstrap": "^2.7.4", "react-dom": "^18.2.0", "react-scripts": "5.0.1", "web-vitals": "^2.1.4" }
Example: Write the below code in App.js file in the src directory
// App.js File import React, { Component } from "react" ; import "bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.css" ; import Container from "react-bootstrap/Container" ; import Row from "react-bootstrap/Row" ; import Col from "react-bootstrap/Col" ; import Button from "react-bootstrap/Button" ; import InputGroup from "react-bootstrap/InputGroup" ; import FormControl from "react-bootstrap/FormControl" ; import ListGroup from "react-bootstrap/ListGroup" ; class App extends Component { constructor(props) { super (props); // Setting up state this .state = { userInput: "" , list: [], }; } // Set a user input value updateInput(value) { this .setState({ userInput: value, }); } // Add item if user input in not empty addItem() { if ( this .state.userInput !== "" ) { const userInput = { // Add a random id which is used to delete id: Math.random(), // Add a user value to list value: this .state.userInput, }; // Update list const list = [... this .state.list]; list.push(userInput); // reset state this .setState({ list, userInput: "" , }); } } // Function to delete item from list use id to delete deleteItem(key) { const list = [... this .state.list]; // Filter values and leave value which we need to delete const updateList = list.filter((item) => !== key); // Update list in state this .setState({ list: updateList, }); } editItem = (index) => { const todos = [... this .state.list]; const editedTodo = prompt( 'Edit the todo:' ); if (editedTodo !== null && editedTodo.trim() !== '' ) { let updatedTodos = [...todos] updatedTodos[index].value= editedTodo this .setState({ list: updatedTodos, }); } } render() { return ( <Container> <Row style={{ display: "flex" , justifyContent: "center" , alignItems: "center" , fontSize: "3rem" , fontWeight: "bolder" , }} > TODO LIST </Row> <hr /> <Row> <Col md={{ span: 5, offset: 4 }}> <InputGroup className= "mb-3" > <FormControl placeholder= "add item . . . " size= "lg" value={ this .state.userInput} onChange={(item) => this .updateInput( } aria-label= "add something" aria-describedby= "basic-addon2" /> <InputGroup> <Button variant= "dark" className= "mt-2" onClick={() => this .addItem()} > ADD </Button> </InputGroup> </InputGroup> </Col> </Row> <Row> <Col md={{ span: 5, offset: 4 }}> <ListGroup> { /* map over and print items */ } { this, index) => { return ( <div key = {index} > <ListGroup.Item variant= "dark" action style={{display: "flex" , justifyContent: 'space-between' }} > {item.value} <span> <Button style={{marginRight: "10px" }} variant = "light" onClick={() => this .deleteItem(}> Delete </Button> <Button variant = "light" onClick={() => this .editItem(index)}> Edit </Button> </span> </ListGroup.Item> </div> ); })} </ListGroup> </Col> </Row> </Container> ); } } export default App; |
Steps to run the Application:
- Type the following command in the terminal:
npm start
- Type the following URL in the browser:
ToDo App using ReactJS