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HomeLanguagesPythonCreate Analog Clock using PyQt5 in Python

Create Analog Clock using PyQt5 in Python

Prerequisite: Introduction to pyqt-5

A clock or watch is called “analog” when it has moving hands and (usually) hours marked from number 1 to 12 to show you the time. Some have Roman Numerals (I, II, III, etc) instead, or no numbers at all! In other words: not a digital clock.

PyQt5 is a cross-platform GUI toolkit, a set of python bindings for Qt v5. One can develop an interactive desktop application with so much ease because of the tools and simplicity provided by this library. A GUI application consists of Front-end and Back-end.

Approach : 

  • Create a Clock class which inherits the QMainWindow class.
  • Inside the Clock class creating a timer object which updates the whole code after each second. 
  • Create three polygon objects for each hand of the clock .
  • Create a paint event method.
  • Inside the paint event method get the current time and the minimum of windows width or height .
  • Create a painter object and a method to draw the hands. 
  • Inside the method for drawing hands(pointer) take arguments like color, rotation and polygon object.
  • Rotate the painter object and draw the pointer.
  • Inside the paint event method, according to the current time set the rotation value and call the draw pointer method. 
  • Draw the background image of the clock i.e lines for each hour. 

Below is the implementation :


# importing libraries
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import *
from PyQt5 import QtCore, QtGui
from PyQt5.QtGui import *
from PyQt5.QtCore import *
import sys
# creating a clock class
class Clock(QMainWindow):
    # constructor
    def __init__(self):
        # creating a timer object
        timer = QTimer(self)
        # adding action to the timer
        # update the whole code
        # setting start time of timer i.e 1 second
        # setting window title
        # setting window geometry
        self.setGeometry(200, 200, 300, 300)
        # setting background color to the window
        self.setStyleSheet("background : black;")
        # creating hour hand
        self.hPointer = QtGui.QPolygon([QPoint(6, 7),
                                        QPoint(-6, 7),
                                        QPoint(0, -50)])
        # creating minute hand
        self.mPointer = QPolygon([QPoint(6, 7),
                                  QPoint(-6, 7),
                                  QPoint(0, -70)])
        # creating second hand
        self.sPointer = QPolygon([QPoint(1, 1),
                                  QPoint(-1, 1),
                                  QPoint(0, -90)])
        # colors
        # color for minute and hour hand
        self.bColor =
        # color for second hand
        self.sColor =
    # method for paint event
    def paintEvent(self, event):
        # getting minimum of width and height
        # so that clock remain square
        rec = min(self.width(), self.height())
        # getting current time
        tik = QTime.currentTime()
        # creating a painter object
        painter = QPainter(self)
        # method to draw the hands
        # argument : color rotation and which hand should be pointed
        def drawPointer(color, rotation, pointer):
            # setting brush
            # saving painter
            # rotating painter
            # draw the polygon i.e hand
            # restore the painter
        # tune up painter
        # translating the painter
        painter.translate(self.width() / 2, self.height() / 2)
        # scale the painter
        painter.scale(rec / 200, rec / 200)
        # set current pen as no pen
        # draw each hand
        drawPointer(self.bColor, (30 * (tik.hour() + tik.minute() / 60)), self.hPointer)
        drawPointer(self.bColor, (6 * (tik.minute() + tik.second() / 60)), self.mPointer)
        drawPointer(self.sColor, (6 * tik.second()), self.sPointer)
        # drawing background
        # for loop
        for i in range(0, 60):
            # drawing background lines
            if (i % 5) == 0:
                painter.drawLine(87, 0, 97, 0)
            # rotating the painter
        # ending the painter
# Driver code
if __name__ == '__main__':
  app = QApplication(sys.argv)
  # creating a clock object
  win = Clock()
  # show


Dominic Rubhabha Wardslaus
Dominic Rubhabha Wardslaus
infosec,malicious & dos attacks generator, boot rom exploit philanthropist , wild hacker , game developer,


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