Course Home Page
Week | Topic | Sub-Topic |
Week 1 | Basics Of Java, Control Structures | Background (JVM, JDK and JRE), Syntax, Variables, Data Types, I/O, Operators, Java packages If, If-else, Switch case, Loops(For, While, Do while), continue, break, jump and type conversion. |
Week 2 | Arrays, Bitwise and logical Operators, Strings, Functions | 1D-array(creation, updation, deletion), 2D-array(creation, updation, deletion), AND, OR, XOR, Subsets and XOR problems, Strings(StringBuffer and Builder) and methods, Normal function usage |
Week 3 | Classes and Objects, Useful keywords, Comparator, Building Pair Class, BigInteger class | static, final, this, library methods of BigInteger class |
Week 4 | List Interface, Stack Class, Queue and Deque Interface | ArrayList, LinkedList, Stack operations, PriorityQueue and its operations, ArrayDeque and its operations |
Week 5 | Set Interface, Map Interface | HashSet, LinkedHashSet, TreeSet and their operations, HashMap, LinkedHashMap, TreeMap and their operations |
Week 6 | Misc Topics | Dictionary Class, Calendar Class |