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HomeData ModellingData Structure & AlgorithmCount of unique lengths of connected components for an undirected graph using...

Count of unique lengths of connected components for an undirected graph using STL

Given an undirected graph, the task is to find the size of each connected component and print the number of unique sizes of connected components

As depicted above, the count(size of the connected component) associated with the connected components is 2, 3, and 2. Now, the unique count of the components is 2 and 3. Hence, the expected result is Count = 2

Input: N = 7

Output: 1 2 Count = 2
        3 4 5 Count = 3
        6 7 Count = 2
        Unique Counts of connected components: 2

Input: N = 10

Output: 1 Count = 1
        2 3 4 5 Count = 4
        6 7 8 Count = 3
        9 10 Count = 2
        Unique Counts of connected components: 4

Prerequisites: Depth First Search
The basic idea is to utilize the Depth First Search traversal method to keep a track of the connected components in the undirected graph. An STL container Set is used to store the unique counts of all such components since it is known that a set has the property of storing unique elements in a sorted manner. Finally, extracting the size of the Set gives us the necessary result. The step-wise implementation is as follows:  

  1. Initialize a hash container (Set), to store the unique counts of connected components.
  2. Recursively call Depth First Search traversal.
  3. For every vertex visited, store the count in the set container.
  4. The final size of the Set is the required result.

Below is the implementation of the above approach:


// C++ program to find unique count of
// connected components
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// Function to add edge in the graph
void add_edge(int u, int v, vector<int> graph[])
// Function to traverse the undirected graph
// using DFS algorithm and keep a track of
// individual lengths of connected chains
void depthFirst(int v, vector<int> graph[],
                vector<bool>& visited, int& ans)
    // Marking the visited vertex as true
    visited[v] = true;
    cout << v << " ";
    // Incrementing the count of
    // connected chain length
    for (auto i : graph[v]) {
        if (visited[i] == false) {
            // Recursive call to the DFS algorithm
            depthFirst(i, graph, visited, ans);
// Function to initialize the graph
// and display the result
void UniqueConnectedComponent(int n,
                              vector<int> graph[])
    // Initializing boolean visited array
    // to mark visited vertices
    vector<bool> visited(n + 1, false);
    // Initializing a Set container
    unordered_set<int> result;
    // Following loop invokes DFS algorithm
    for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
        if (visited[i] == false) {
            // ans variable stores the
            // individual counts
            int ans = 0;
            // DFS algorithm
            depthFirst(i, graph, visited, ans);
            // Inserting the counts of connected
            // components in set
            cout << "Count = " << ans << "\n";
    cout << "Unique Counts of "
         << "connected components: ";
    // The size of the Set container
    // gives the desired result
    cout << result.size() << "\n";
// Driver code
int main()
    // Number of nodes
    int n = 7;
    // Create graph
    vector<int> graph[n + 1];
    // Constructing the undirected graph
    add_edge(1, 2, graph);
    add_edge(3, 4, graph);
    add_edge(3, 5, graph);
    add_edge(6, 7, graph);
    // Function call
    UniqueConnectedComponent(n, graph);
    return 0;


// Java program to find
// unique count of
// connected components
import java.util.*;
class GFG{
// Function to add edge in the graph
static void add_edge(int u, int v,
                    Vector<Integer> graph[])
// Function to traverse the undirected graph
// using DFS algorithm and keep a track of
// individual lengths of connected chains
static int depthFirst(int v,
                    Vector<Integer> graph[],
                    Vector<Boolean> visited,
                    int ans)
// Marking the visited vertex as true
visited.set(v, true);
System.out.print(v + " ");
// Incrementing the count of
// connected chain length
for (int i : graph[v])
    if (visited.get(i) == false)
    // Recursive call to the DFS algorithm
    ans = depthFirst(i, graph, visited, ans);
return ans;
// Function to initialize the graph
// and display the result
static void UniqueConnectedComponent(int n,
                                    Vector<Integer> graph[])
// Initializing boolean visited array
// to mark visited vertices
Vector<Boolean> visited = new Vector<>();
for(int i = 0; i < n + 1; i++)
// Initializing a Set container
HashSet<Integer> result = new HashSet<>();
// Following loop invokes DFS algorithm
for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++)
    if (visited.get(i) == false)
    // ans variable stores the
    // individual counts
    int ans = 0;
    // DFS algorithm
    ans = depthFirst(i, graph, visited, ans);
    // Inserting the counts of connected
    // components in set
    System.out.print("Count = " +
                        ans + "\n");
System.out.print("Unique Counts of " +
                "connected components: ");
// The size of the Set container
// gives the desired result
System.out.print(result.size() + "\n");
// Driver code
public static void main(String[] args)
// Number of nodes
int n = 7;
// Create graph
Vector<Integer>[] graph = new Vector[n+1];
for (int i = 0; i < graph.length; i++)
    graph[i] = new Vector<Integer>();
// Constructing the undirected graph
add_edge(1, 2, graph);
add_edge(3, 4, graph);
add_edge(3, 5, graph);
add_edge(6, 7, graph);
// Function call
UniqueConnectedComponent(n, graph);


# Python3 program to find unique count of
# connected components
graph = [[] for i in range(100 + 1)]
visited = [False] * (100 + 1)
ans = 0
# Function to add edge in the graph
def add_edge(u, v):
# Function to traverse the undirected graph
# using DFS algorithm and keep a track of
# individual lengths of connected chains
def depthFirst(v):
    global ans
    # Marking the visited vertex as true
    visited[v] = True
    print(v, end = " ")
    # Incrementing the count of
    # connected chain length
    ans += 1
    for i in graph[v]:
        if (visited[i] == False):
            # Recursive call to the
            # DFS algorithm
# Function to initialize the graph
# and display the result
def UniqueConnectedComponent(n):
    global ans
    # Initializing boolean visited array
    # to mark visited vertices
    # Initializing a Set container
    result = {}
    # Following loop invokes DFS algorithm
    for i in range(1, n + 1):
        if (visited[i] == False):
            # ans variable stores the
            # individual counts
            # ans = 0
            # DFS algorithm
            # Inserting the counts of connected
            # components in set
            result[ans] = 1
            print("Count = ", ans)
            ans = 0
    print("Unique Counts of connected "
          "components: ", end = "")
    # The size of the Set container
    # gives the desired result
# Driver code
if __name__ == '__main__':
    # Number of nodes
    n = 7
    # Create graph
    # Constructing the undirected graph
    add_edge(1, 2)
    add_edge(3, 4)
    add_edge(3, 5)
    add_edge(6, 7)
    # Function call
# This code is contributed by mohit kumar 29


// C# program to find
// unique count of
// connected components
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
class GFG{
// Function to add edge in the graph
static void add_edge(int u, int v,
                     List<int> []graph)
// Function to traverse the undirected graph
// using DFS algorithm and keep a track of
// individual lengths of connected chains
static int depthFirst(int v,
                      List<int> []graph,
                      List<Boolean> visited,
                      int ans)
  // Marking the visited
  // vertex as true
  visited.Insert(v, true);
  Console.Write(v + " ");
  // Incrementing the count of
  // connected chain length
  foreach (int i in graph[v])
    if (visited[i] == false)
      // Recursive call to
      // the DFS algorithm
      ans = depthFirst(i, graph,
                       visited, ans);
  return ans;
// Function to initialize the graph
// and display the result
static void UniqueConnectedComponent(int n,
                                     List<int> []graph)
  // Initializing bool visited array
  // to mark visited vertices
  List<Boolean> visited = new List<Boolean>();
  for(int i = 0; i < n + 1; i++)
  // Initializing a Set container
  HashSet<int> result = new HashSet<int>();
  // Following loop invokes DFS algorithm
  for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++)
    if (visited[i] == false)
      // ans variable stores the
      // individual counts
      int ans = 0;
      // DFS algorithm
      ans = depthFirst(i, graph, visited, ans);
      // Inserting the counts of connected
      // components in set
      Console.Write("Count = "
                     ans + "\n");
  Console.Write("Unique Counts of " +
                "connected components: ");
  // The size of the Set container
  // gives the desired result
  Console.Write(result.Count + "\n");
// Driver code
public static void Main(String[] args)
  // Number of nodes
  int n = 7;
  // Create graph
  List<int> []graph = new List<int>[n + 1];
  for (int i = 0; i < graph.Length; i++)
    graph[i] = new List<int>();
  // Constructing the undirected graph
  add_edge(1, 2, graph);
  add_edge(3, 4, graph);
  add_edge(3, 5, graph);
  add_edge(6, 7, graph);
  // Function call
  UniqueConnectedComponent(n, graph);
// This code is contributed by shikhasingrajput


// Javascript program to find
// unique count of
// connected components
// Function to add edge in the graph
function add_edge(u,v,graph)
// Function to traverse the undirected graph
// using DFS algorithm and keep a track of
// individual lengths of connected chains
function depthFirst(v, graph,visited,ans)
    // Marking the visited vertex as true
  visited[v] = true;
  document.write(v + " ");
  // Incrementing the count of
  // connected chain length
  for (let i=0;i< graph[v].length;i++)
    if (visited[graph[v][i]] == false)
      // Recursive call to the DFS algorithm
      ans = depthFirst(graph[v][i], graph, visited, ans);
  return ans;
// Function to initialize the graph
// and display the result
function UniqueConnectedComponent(n,graph)
    // Initializing boolean visited array
  // to mark visited vertices
  let visited = [];
  for(let i = 0; i < n + 1; i++)
  // Initializing a Set container
  let result = new Set();
  // Following loop invokes DFS algorithm
  for (let i = 1; i <= n; i++)
    if (visited[i] == false)
      // ans variable stores the
      // individual counts
      let ans = 0;
      // DFS algorithm
      ans = depthFirst(i, graph, visited, ans);
      // Inserting the counts of connected
      // components in set
      document.write("Count = " +
                        ans + "<br>");
  document.write("Unique Counts of " +
                   "connected components: ");
  // The size of the Set container
  // gives the desired result
  document.write(result.size + "<br>");
// Driver code
// Number of nodes
let n = 7;
// Create graph
let graph = new Array(n + 1);
for (let i = 0; i < graph.length; i++)
    graph[i] = [];
// Constructing the undirected graph
add_edge(1, 2, graph);
add_edge(3, 4, graph);
add_edge(3, 5, graph);
add_edge(6, 7, graph);
// Function call
UniqueConnectedComponent(n, graph);
// This code is contributed by patel2127


1 2 Count = 2
3 4 5 Count = 3
6 7 Count = 2
Unique Counts of connected components: 2


Time Complexity: 
As evident from the above implementation, the graph is traversed using the Depth First Search algorithm. The individual counts are stored using Set container wherein the insertion operation takes O(1) time. The overall complexity is solely based on the time taken by the DFS algorithm to run recursively. Hence, the time complexity of the program is O(E + V) where E is the number of edges and V is the number of vertices of the graph. 
Auxiliary Space: O(N)

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Ted Musemwa
As a software developer I’m interested in the intersection of computational thinking and design thinking when solving human problems. As a professional I am guided by the principles of experiential learning; experience, reflect, conceptualise and experiment.


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