On Wednesday, CoolStar released the tenth beta of his Electra jailbreak tool for iOS 11.0-11.1.2. The new release incorporates a bevy of bug fixes with the intention of making the experience more stable for everyone.
Electra still doesn’t install Cydia because Saurik hasn’t updated it for iOS 11 just yet, but users can take advantage of SSH connectivity to install tweaks and extensions for personal enjoyment.
Citing the official Electra website, beta 9 brings the following fixes and improvements:
- Fix certain code-signed binaries not working with our amfi payload (coolstar)
- Add darwintools, debiantools (not dpkg), shell-cmds, system-cmds and uikittools
- Re-sign most of the bootstrap as SHA1 to prepare for them to be pushed to a repo
- Code cleanup (stek29 and nullpixel)
- Fix update checker erroneously saying there’s an update in airplane mode
According to CoolStar, beta 10 should have approximately the same stability as beta 9, but with additional bug fixes and pre-packaged tools. Anyone using an older version of Electra can merely re-run the latest version over their existing jailbreak to utilize the new improvements.
Countless jailbreakers have already used Electra to pwn their iOS 11 devices without any issues. Nevertheless, we haven’t used the tool and can’t speak for its reliability. We recommend that novice jailbreakers hold off until Saurik updates Cydia and Mobile Substrate to work with Apple’s latest mobile operating system. That said, you use Electra at your own risk.
Notably, Electra relies on an implementation of jailbreakd, which is something Saurik intends to move away from in Mobile Substrate for iOS 11. The updated package will take advantage of a new dyld-hooking mechanism that improves performance and stability across the board.
It’s unclear whether Electra will support Saurik’s upcoming Mobile Substrate release when it comes, but everything should become more evident after Saurik apprises the community.
Have you used Electra to jailbreak your iOS 11 device(s) yet? Share in the comments below.