There are several APIs available to convert text to speech in python. One of such APIs available in the python library commonly known as win32com library. It provides a bunch of methods to get excited about and one of them is the Dispatch method of the library. Dispatch method when passed with the argument of SAPI.SpVoice It interacts with the Microsoft Speech SDK to speak what you type in from the keyboard.
Input : Hello World Output : Input : 121 Output :
To install the win32com.client module , open terminal and write
pip install pypiwin32
This works on Windows platform. Now we are all set to write a sample program that converts text to speech.
# Python program to convert # text to speech # import the required module from text to speech conversion import win32com.client # Calling the Dispatch method of the module which # interact with Microsoft Speech SDK to speak # the given input from the keyboard speaker = win32com.client.Dispatch( "SAPI.SpVoice" ) while 1 : print ( "Enter the word you want to speak it out by computer" ) s = input () speaker.Speak(s) # To stop the program press # CTRL + Z |
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