Prerequisites: MongoDB Python Basics
This article is about converting the PyMongo Cursor to JSON. Functions like find() and find_one() returns the Cursor instance.
Let’s begin:
- Importing Required Modules: Import the required module using the command:
from pymongo import MongoClient from bson.json_util import dumps
If MongoDB is already not installed on your machine you can refer to the guide: Guide to Install MongoDB with Python
- Creating a Connection: Now we had already imported the module, its time to establish a connection to the MongoDB server, presumably which is running on localhost (host name) at port 27017 (port number).
client = MongoClient(‘localhost’, 27017)
- Accessing the Database: Since the connection to the MongoDB server is established. We can now create or use the existing database.
mydatabase = client.name_of_the_database
- Accessing the Collection: We now select the collection from the database using the following syntax:
collection_name = mydatabase.name_of_collection
- Getting the documents: Getting all the documents from the collection using find() method. It returns the instance of the Cursor.
cursor = collection_name.find()
- Converting the Cursor to JSON: Converting the Cursor to the JSON.
First, we will convert the Cursor to the list of dictionary.list_cur = list(cursor)
Now, converting the list_cur to the JSON using the method dumps() from bson.json_util
json_data = dumps(list_cur)
You can now save it to the file or can use it in the program using loads() function.
Below is the implementation.
# Python Program for # demonstrating the # PyMongo Cursor to JSON # Importing required modules from pymongo import MongoClient from bson.json_util import dumps, loads # Connecting to MongoDB server # client = MongoClient('host_name', # 'port_number') client = MongoClient( 'localhost' , 27017 ) # Connecting to the database named # GFG mydatabase = client.GFG # Accessing the collection named # gfg_collection mycollection = mydatabase.College # Now creating a Cursor instance # using find() function cursor = mycollection.find() # Converting cursor to the list # of dictionaries list_cur = list (cursor) # Converting to the JSON json_data = dumps(list_cur, indent = 2 ) # Writing data to file data.json with open ( 'data.json' , 'w' ) as file : file .write(json_data) |