The printf(String, Object) method of Console class in Java is used to write a formatted string to the output stream of the console. It uses the specified format string and arguments. It is a convenience method.
public Console printf(String fmt, Object... args)
Parameters: This method accepts two parameters:
- fmt – It represents the format of the string.
- args – It represents the arguments that are referenced by the format specifiers in the string format.
Return value: This method returns the console.
Exceptions: This method throws IllegalFormatException if string format contains an illegal syntax or a format specifier is not compatible with the given arguments or insufficient arguments given the format string or other conditions that are illegal.
Note: System.console() returns null in an online IDE.
Below programs illustrate printf(String, Object) method in Console class in IO package:
Program 1:
// Java program to illustrate // Console printf(String, Object) method import*; public class GFG { public static void main(String[] args) { // Create the console object Console cnsl = System.console(); if (cnsl == null ) { System.out.println( "No console available" ); return ; } String fmt = "%1$4s %2$10s %3$10s%n" ; cnsl.printf(fmt, "Books" , "Author" , "Price" ); cnsl.printf(fmt, "-----" , "------" , "-----" ); cnsl.printf(fmt, "DBMS" , "Navathe" , "800" ); cnsl.printf(fmt, "Algorithm" , "Cormen" , "925" ); cnsl.printf(fmt, "Operating System" , "Rajib Mall" , "750" ); } } |
Program 2:
// Java program to illustrate // Console printf(String, Object) method import*; public class GFG { public static void main(String[] args) { // Create the console object Console cnsl = System.console(); if (cnsl == null ) { System.out.println( "No console available" ); return ; } String fmt = "%1$4s %2$10s %3$10s%n" ; cnsl.printf(fmt, "Items" , "Quantity" , "Price" ); cnsl.printf(fmt, "-----" , "------" , "-----" ); cnsl.printf(fmt, "Tomato" , "1 Kg" , "80" ); cnsl.printf(fmt, "Apple" , "3 Kg" , "500" ); cnsl.printf(fmt, "Potato" , "2 Kg" , "75" ); } } |