The java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedDeque.pollLast() is an in-built method in Java which retrieves the last element of this deque and removes it. If the deque is empty, the method returns NULL.
Parameters: The function accepts no parameters.
Return Values:The function returns the last element of this deque. If this deque is empty, the function returns NULL.
Below program illustrates the use of pollFirst() method:
Program 1: This program involves deque with Integer elements.
/* Java Program Demonstrate pollLast() method of ConcurrentLinkedDeque */ import java.util.concurrent.*; class ConcurrentLinkedDequeDemo { public static void main(String[] args) { ConcurrentLinkedDeque<Integer> cld = new ConcurrentLinkedDeque<Integer>(); cld.addFirst( 12 ); cld.addFirst( 70 ); cld.addFirst( 1009 ); cld.addFirst( 475 ); // Displaying the existing LinkedDeque System.out.println( "Elements in" + "the LinkedDeque: " + cld); // Display and remove the Last element System.out.println( "Element removed : " + cld.pollLast()); // Displaying the elements System.out.println( "Elements in" + "the LinkedDeque: " + cld); } } |
Elements inthe LinkedDeque: [475, 1009, 70, 12] Element removed : 12 Elements inthe LinkedDeque: [475, 1009, 70]
Program 2: This program involves deque with String elements.
/* Java Program Demonstrate pollLast() method of ConcurrentLinkedDeque */ import java.util.concurrent.*; class ConcurrentLinkedDequeDemo { public static void main(String[] args) { ConcurrentLinkedDeque<String> cld = new ConcurrentLinkedDeque<String>(); cld.addFirst( "GFG" ); cld.addFirst( "Geeks" ); cld.addFirst( "Gfg" ); cld.addFirst( "Geeks" ); // Displaying the existing LinkedDeque System.out.println( "Elements in" + "the LinkedDeque: " + cld); // Display and remove the Last element System.out.println( "Element removed : " + cld.pollLast()); // Displaying the elements System.out.println( "Elements in" + "the LinkedDeque: " + cld); } } |
Elements inthe LinkedDeque: [Geeks, Gfg, Geeks, GFG] Element removed : GFG Elements inthe LinkedDeque: [Geeks, Gfg, Geeks]