The Calculator app is something I use on my iPhone rather regularly, but I often find opening and using the app to feel slow and inefficient, especially when I’m already doing something in a different app that prompts me to use the Calculator app in the first place.
Enter Cardculator, a new jailbreak tweak by iOS developer sourcelocation (A.K.A. ExeRhythm) that allows users to summon a small, floating Calculator app-inspired interface from just about anywhere on demand.
One of the things that makes Cardculator stand out is that it works not only on the iPhone, but also on the iPad — the latter of which lacks a native calculator app for one reason or another.
Cardculator can be invoked with a swipe up from the corner of your screen, but another activation methods are also available if you prefer.
Once installed, Cardculator adds a dedicated preference pane to the settings app where a few different options can be configured, including enabling or disabling the tweak on demand and the activation method, among other things.
If you’re ready to take advantage of a more convenient Calculator experience on your jailbroken iPhone or iPad, then Cardculator is a great way to get your hands dirty.
The Cardculator tweak is available for $1.99 from the Havoc repository and supports jailbroken iOS & iPadOS 14 devices, with iOS & iPadOS 13 support planned for the future. The tweak requires Activator as a dependency, along with some other necessities.
Do you plan to use the Cardculator jailbreak tweak, or will you continue using your native Calculator app or a third party alternative from the App Store? Be sure to let us know in the comments section down below,