The setTimeInMillis(long mill_sec) method in Calendar class is used to set Calendars time represented by this Calendar from the passed long value.
public void setTimeInMillis(long mill_sec)
Parameters: The method takes one parameter mill_sec of long datat-type and refers to the given date that is to be set.
Return Value: The method does not return any value.
Below programs illustrate the working of setTimeInMillis() Method of Calendar class:
Example 1:
// Java code to illustrate // setTimeInMillis() method import java.util.*; public class Calendar_Demo { public static void main(String args[]) { // Creating calendar object Calendar calndr = Calendar.getInstance(); // Getting the time in milliseconds System.out.println( "The Current" + " Time is: " + calndr.getTime()); // Changing time to 2000 milli-second calndr.setTimeInMillis( 2000 ); // Displaying the new time System.out.println( "After setting" + " Time: " + calndr.getTime()); } } |
The Current Time is: Fri Feb 22 08:00:54 UTC 2019 After setting Time: Thu Jan 01 00:00:02 UTC 1970
Example 2:
// Java code to illustrate // setTimeInMillis() method import java.util.*; public class Calendar_Demo { public static void main(String args[]) { // Creating calendar object Calendar calndr = Calendar.getInstance(); // Getting the time in milliseconds System.out.println( "The Current" + " Time is: " + calndr.getTime()); // Changing time to 8000 milli-second calndr.setTimeInMillis( 8000 ); // Displaying the new time System.out.println( "After setting" + " Time: " + calndr.getTime()); } } |
The Current Time is: Fri Feb 22 08:01:02 UTC 2019 After setting Time: Thu Jan 01 00:00:08 UTC 1970