The toString() method of ByteArrayOutputStream class in Java is used in two ways:
1. The toString() method of ByteArrayOutputStream class in Java is used convert the buffer content of the ByteArrayOutputStream into the string. This method uses the default character set of the system. The length of the new obtained string may vary from the buffer size. Malformed input and unmappable character sequences are replaced with the default replacement string by this method.
public String toString()
Overrides: This method overrides the toString() method of Object class.
Parameters: This method does not accept any parameter.
Return value: This method returns the string obtained from the buffer content.
Exceptions: This method does not throw any exception.
Below program illustrates toString() method in ByteArrayOutputStream class in IO package:
// Java program to illustrate // ByteArrayOutputStream toString() method import*; public class GFG { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { // Create byteArrayOutputStream ByteArrayOutputStream byteArrayOutStr = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); // Create byte array byte [] buf = { 71 , 69 , 69 , 75 , 83 }; // Write byte array // to byteArrayOutputStream byteArrayOutStr.write(buf); // Revoke toString() method String str = byteArrayOutStr.toString(); // Print the string System.out.println(str); } } |
2. The toString(String charsetName) method of ByteArrayOutputStream class in Java is used convert the buffer content of the ByteArrayOutputStream into the string using specified charsetName which is passed as string to this method.
public String toString(String charsetName) throws UnsupportedEncodingException
Parameters: This method accepts one parameter as String which represents the name of the charset supported.
Return value: This method returns the string obtained from the buffer content using supported charset.
Exceptions: This method throws UnsupportedEncodingException if the name of the charset is not supported.
Below programs illustrate toString(String charsetName) method in ByteArrayOutputStream class in IO package:
Program 1:
// Java program to illustrate // ByteArrayOutputStream // toString(String charsetName) method import*; public class GFG { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { try { // Create byteArrayOutputStream ByteArrayOutputStream byteArrayOutStr = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); // Create byte array byte [] buf = { 71 , 69 , 69 , 75 , 83 }; // Write byte array // to byteArrayOutputStream byteArrayOutStr.write(buf); // Revoke toString(String) method String str = byteArrayOutStr .toString( "UTF-8" ); // Print the string System.out.println(str); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println( "CharsetName not supported" ); } } } |
Program 2:
// Java program to illustrate // ByteArrayOutputStream // toString(String charsetName) method import*; public class GFG { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { try { // Create byteArrayOutputStream ByteArrayOutputStream byteArrayOutStr = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); // Create byte array byte [] buf = { 71 , 69 , 69 , 75 , 83 }; // Write byte array // to byteArrayOutputStream byteArrayOutStr.write(buf); // Revoke toString(String charsetName) // method String str = byteArrayOutStr.toString( "XYZ" ); // Print the string System.out.println(str); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println( "CharsetName not supported" ); } } } |
CharsetName not supported