In an unexpected turn of events, the Cydia Store blew up with new releases during the week of the event where Apple unveiled the new iPhone 8 & 8 Plus and the new iPhone X.
In this piece, we’ll go over all the new jailbreak tweaks released this week, starting with our favorites first, and then moving on to the rest afterward.
Our favorite releases this week
Bolders – FREE
Bolders gives the folders on your Home screen a much-needed makeover, transforming them into full-screen works of art.
Not only does it help expand the cramped interface so you see more of your apps at a glance, but it gives the folder name a beautiful bold aesthetic that echoes the design of iOS 11.
It’s a really simple tweak, but it makes a big difference in the look and use of folders in iOS.
We would recommend reading our full review of Bolders to learn more about how it can be beneficial to you.
PhotoManager – $1.99
PhotoManager opens a new chapter in tweaking the Photos app in iOS by bringing with it a host of features that users have wanted for ages.
Among the things you can do with PhotoManager are physically move photos from one album to another, lock others out of individual albums on your device, hide or show protected albums from view with a gesture, configure the content of your album view and tab bar to your liking, and more.
It’s perhaps one of the most detailed jailbreak tweaks released throughout the entire week, and perhaps one of the most genuinely useful tweaks released for iOS 10 this year, especially if you wanted more control over the Photos app.
You can read our full review of PhotoManager to learn more about why we feel the way we do about the tweak.
Other releases this week
BlueBear for YouTube: Adds a host of new features to the YouTube app (free)
DenyPhotoAlbums: Lets you hide up to four different albums from the Photos app (free – review)
Dock+ for iPad: Brings drag & drop and multitasking features to the iPad ($2.19)
DynamicTimer: Automatically changes the timer sound (free – review)
iPadFeatures: Brings some iPad-only features to jailbroken iPhones (free)
MusicSmallerAlertsPlz: Shrinks the size of bulky alerts in the Music app (free – review)
NoHistory for Spotify: Removes your search history from the Spotify app (free – review)
NowPlayingHUD: Hides your volume HUD whenever media is playing (free – review)
TextyClock: Transforms the Lock screen clock into a test-based interface rather than number-based ($1.50 – review)
That just about wraps things up for this week, but I have to admit it was a lot busier than usual, which is unusual around the time of an Apple event. We’ll keep you updated as new releases hit the Cydia Store, so as always, stay tuned to iDB to stay up to date with the latest jailbreak news.
Nevertheless, if you’re looking for more, then you can check out last week’s jailbreak tweak roundup in case you missed anything special. We also have a whole host of dedicated roundups that can help you find tewaks to trick out your jailbroken iOS 10 device below:
- The best jailbreak tweaks to use with iOS 10
- The best jailbreak tweaks for the Messages app in iOS 10
- The best jailbreak tweaks for Notification Center in iOS 10
- The best jailbreak tweaks for the Music app in iOS 10
- The best jailbreak tweaks for the Status Bar in iOS 10
- The best jailbreak tweaks for the Lock screen in iOS 10
What was your favorite jailbreak tweak released this week? Share in the comments section below!