While troubleshooting with Internet speed. We need to first check internet bandwidth speed. So, pyspeedtest module test network bandwidth using Speedtest.net servers. So, before starting we need to install pyspeedtest into your system. Run these code to your command line
pip install pyspeedtest
- Import pyspeedtest
- Create object for SpeedTest()
- Check ping with ping()
- Check Download speed with download()
- Check Upload speed with upload()
Below is the implementation.
import pyspeedtest test = pyspeedtest.SpeedTest( "www.youtube.com" ) test.ping() test.download() test.upload() |
253.4427046775818 16461.88637373227 19425388.307319913
Speed Test Application with Tkinter: This Script implements the above Implementation into a GUI.
import pyspeedtest from tkinter import * def Speed_test(): t = pyspeedtest.SpeedTest(e1.get()) myping. set (t.ping()) down. set (t.download()) master = Tk() myping = StringVar() down = StringVar() Label(master, text = "Website URL" ).grid(row = 0 , sticky = W) Label(master, text = "Ping Result:" ).grid(row = 3 , sticky = W) Label(master, text = "Download Result:" ).grid(row = 4 , sticky = W) result = Label(master, text = "", textvariable = myping, ).grid(row = 3 , column = 1 , sticky = W) result2 = Label(master, text = "", textvariable = down, ).grid(row = 4 , column = 1 , sticky = W) e1 = Entry(master) e1.grid(row = 0 , column = 1 ) b = Button(master, text = "Check" , command = Speed_test) b.grid(row = 0 , column = 2 , columnspan = 2 , rowspan = 2 , padx = 5 , pady = 5 ) mainloop() |