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HomeData Modelling & AIBit Manipulation technique to replace boolean arrays of fixed size less than...

Bit Manipulation technique to replace boolean arrays of fixed size less than 64

Space complexity is the most underestimated asset by programmers. One can barely see a Memory Limit Exceed (MLE) while submitting a solution. But, saving memory is the most important thing a programmer should take care about. If one needs to create an Application for a user, it should be made as memory efficient as one can. 
Boolean arrays have been used as a container to solve different problems. This article focuses on discussing the alternatives to boolean arrays.

Integer Variable as a container

In general, the Integer variable has 4 bytes (C++ taken into consideration) resulting in having 32 boolean bits to represent a number. For example, to represent 10, the boolean bits can be written as:

int a = 10

In Memory-
00000000000000000000000000001010 (Binary of 10 in 32-bit integer)

This means one can use these bits as a boolean value inside a boolean array of size 32. A 64-bit integer can be used to increase the size if needed.

How to use Integer variable as a container?

Let’s discuss in detail how to use the Integer variable as a container.

The first step is to initialize the integer variable as 0, to get the boolean container of size 32 with all bits initially false.

Set a bit to true:
Set any bit to true for any desired location by using bitwise operators such as AND, NOT, OR, and SHIFT operators. For, example, to set a bit to true at position 7-

Use shift and bitwise OR operator to make the ith bit to 1 (true)
int a = 0;
a |= (1 << 7);
Here a will become : 00000000000000000000000010000000
                                                                                              0th bit

Step 1: First move 1 which is (..0001) in binary to 7 steps left to make it as (..10000000).
Step 2: Next, do bitwise or with the number. 
Step 3: As 1 OR 0 = 1 and 1 OR 1 = 1, this will set the 7th bit to one without affecting other bits.

Set a bit to false:

For example, to reset a bit to false at position 7

Use shift and bitwise NOT and AND operator to make the ith bit to 0(false).
int a = 0;
a |= (1 << 7); // To set 7th bit
a &= ~(1 << 7); // To reset 7th bit

Step 1: First move our 1 which is (..0001) in binary to 7 steps left to make it as (..10000000).
Step 2: Invert the bits to look like (…1101111111).
Step 3: Perform AND operation with the number.
Step 4: As 1 AND 0 = 0, 0 AND 0 = 0, 1 AND 1 = 1, this will set the 7th bit to one without affecting other bits.

Get the value of ith bit:

For example, to get the value of the 7th bit-

Use AND operator to print.
int a = 0;
a |= (1<<7); // To set 7th bit
Print((a>>7)&1);  // this will print 1(True)
a &= ~(1<<7); // To reset 7th bit
Print((a>>7)&1); // this will print 0(false)

Below is the implementation of the above approach:


// C++ program to implement
// the above approach
using namespace std;
// Driver code
int main()
  // This is an integer variable
  // used as a container
  int myBoolContainer = 0;
  // 7th bit will be used for sample
  int workingBit = 7;
  // Setting ith bit
  cout << "Setting " <<
           workingBit << "th bit to 1\n";
  myBoolContainer |= (1 << workingBit);
  // Printing the ith bit
  cout << "Value at " << workingBit <<
          "th bit = " <<
          ((myBoolContainer >> workingBit) & 1) <<
  // Resetting the ith bit
  cout << "Resetting " << workingBit <<
          "th bit to 0\n";
  myBoolContainer &= ~(1 << 7);
  // Printing the ith bit
  cout << "Value at " << workingBit <<
          "th bit = " <<
          ((myBoolContainer >> workingBit) & 1);


// Java program to implement
// the above approach
// Driver code
class GFG
    public static void main (String[] args)
          // This will be the integer variable
        // used as boolean container
        int myBoolContainer = 0;
        // 7th bit will be used for sample
        int workingBit = 7;
        // Setting ith bit
        "Setting " + workingBit +
        "th bit to 1");
        myBoolContainer |= (1 << workingBit);
        // Printing the ith bit
        "Value at " + workingBit+"th bit = " +
        ((myBoolContainer >> workingBit) & 1) +
        // Resetting the ith bit
        "Resetting " + workingBit +
        "th bit to 0");
        myBoolContainer &= ~(1 << 7);
        // Printing the ith bit
        "Value at " + workingBit +
        "th bit = " +
        ((myBoolContainer >>workingBit) & 1));


# Python program to implement
# the above approach
# This will be the integer variable
# used as boolean container
myBoolContainer = 0;
# 7th bit will be used as example
workingBit = 7;
# Setting ith bit
print("Setting " + str(workingBit) +
      "th bit to 1");
myBoolContainer |= (1 << workingBit);
# Printing the ith bit
print("Value at " + str(workingBit) +
      "th bit = " + str((myBoolContainer >>
                         workingBit) & 1) + "\n"); 
# Resetting the ith bit
print("Resetting " + str(workingBit) +
      "th bit to 0");
myBoolContainer &= ~(1 << 7);
# Printing the ith bit
print("Value at " + str(workingBit) +
      "th bit = " + str((myBoolContainer >>
                         workingBit) & 1))


//C# code for the above approach
using System;
public class GFG {
    static public void Main()
        // This will be the integer variable
        // used as boolean container
        int myBoolContainer = 0;
        // 7th bit will be used for sample
        int workingBit = 7;
        // Setting ith bit
        Console.WriteLine("Setting " + workingBit
                          + "th bit to 1");
        myBoolContainer |= (1 << workingBit);
        // Printing the ith bit
            "Value at " + workingBit + "th bit = "
            + ((myBoolContainer >> workingBit) & 1) + "\n");
        // Resetting the ith bit
        Console.WriteLine("Resetting " + workingBit
                          + "th bit to 0");
        myBoolContainer &= ~(1 << 7);
        // Printing the ith bit
            "Value at " + workingBit + "th bit = "
            + ((myBoolContainer >> workingBit) & 1));
// This code is contributed by Potta Lokesh


// Javascript program to implement
// the above approach
// This is an integer variable
// used as a container
var myBoolContainer = 0;
// 7th bit will be used sample
var workingBit = 7;
// Setting ith bit
console.log("Setting " + workingBit +
            "th bit to 1\n");
myBoolContainer |= (1 << workingBit);
//Printing the ith bit
console.log("Value at " + workingBit +
            "th bit = "+ ((myBoolContainer >>
                           workingBit) & 1) + "\n\n");
// Resetting the ith bit
console.log("Resetting " + workingBit +
            "th bit to 0\n");
myBoolContainer &= ~(1 << 7);
// Printing the ith bit
console.log("Value at " + workingBit +
            "th bit = " + ((myBoolContainer >>
                            workingBit) & 1));


Setting 7th bit to 1
Value at 7th bit = 1

Resetting 7th bit to 0
Value at 7th bit = 0

Solve Pangram Strings:

Let’s solve the problem of pangram strings using the above approach.


It is known that English alphabets of lower case range from (a-z) are having a count of no more than 26. So, in this approach, a bool array of constant size can be used. This will optimize the space complexity of the code.

Below is the implementation of the pangram strings using a boolean array:


// C++ program to implement
// the above approach
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
bool checkIsPanagram(string sentence)
    // Initializing the container
    int n = 0;
    for(char &x:sentence)
        // Checking that the char
        // is Alphabetic
            // setting ith bit to 1
            // if char is 'a' then this will
            // set 0th bit to 1 and so on
            n |= (1 << (tolower(x) - 'a'));           
    // decimal number for all ones in last
    // 26 bits in binary is 67108863
    return n == 67108863;
// Driver code
int main()
  string s =
  "Pack mY box witH fIve dozen liquor jugs";
  cout << checkIsPanagram(s);


// Java program to implement
// the above approach
class Panagram
  public boolean checkIsPanagram(
                 String sentence)
      // Initializing the container
      int n = 0;
        int size = sentence.length();
        for(int i = 0; i < size; i++)
            // Storing current character
            // in temp variable
            char x = sentence.charAt(i);
            // checking that the char is Alphabetic
                // setting ith bit to 1
                // if char is 'a' then this will
                // set 0th bit to 1 and so on
                n |= (1 << (Character.toLowerCase(x) - 'a'));    
        // Decimal number for all ones in last
        // 26 bits in binary is 67108863
        return (n == 67108863);
// Driver code
class GFG
    public static void main (String[] args)
      String s =
      "Pack mY box witH fIve dozen liquor jugs";
      Panagram panagram = new Panagram();


# Python program to implement
# the above approach
def isPanagram(sentence):
    # Initializing the container
    n = 0
    for char in sentence:
        # Checking that the char
        # is Alphabetic
        if char.isalpha():
            # setting ith bit to 1
            # if char is a then this will
            # set 0th bit to 1 and so on
            n |= (1 << (ord(char.lower()) -
    # Decimal number for all ones in
    # last 26 bits in binary is 67108863
    return n == 67108863
sentence =
"Pack mY box witH fIve dozen liquor jugs"


// C# program to implement
// the above approach
using System;
class Panagram
  public bool checkIsPanagram(
                 String sentence)
      // Initializing the container
      int n = 0;
        int size = sentence.Length;
        for(int i = 0; i < size; i++)
            // Storing current character
            // in temp variable
            char x = sentence[i];
            // checking that the char is Alphabetic
                // setting ith bit to 1
                // if char is 'a' then this will
                // set 0th bit to 1 and so on
                n |= (1 << (char.ToLower(x) - 'a'));    
        // Decimal number for all ones in last
        // 26 bits in binary is 67108863
        return (n == 67108863);
// Driver code
public class GFG
    public static void Main(String[] args)
      String s =
      "Pack mY box witH fIve dozen liquor jugs";
      Panagram panagram = new Panagram();
// This code is contributed by 29AjayKumar


// javascript program to implement
// the above approach
function checkIsPanagram(sentence)
      // Initializing the container
      var n = 0;
        var size = sentence.length;
        for(var i = 0; i < size; i++)
            // Storing current character
            // in temp variable
            var x = sentence[i];
            // checking that the char is Alphabetic
                // setting ith bit to 1
                // if char is 'a' then this will
                // set 0th bit to 1 and so on
                n = n | (1 << (x.charCodeAt(0)- 'a'.charCodeAt(0)));    
        // Decimal number for all ones in last
        // 26 bits in binary is 67108863
        return (n == 67108863);
function isAlphabetic(str)
    return /^[a-zA-Z()]+$/.test(str);
// Driver code
var s =
"Pack mY box witH fIve dozen liquor jugs";
// This code is contributed by 29AjayKumar





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