prerequisite : BigInteger Basics
The java.math.BigInteger.signum() method helps us to identify whether a BigInteger is positive or zero or negative. It returns one of the following values depending on the following conditions:
- returns -1 when number is negative
- returns 0 when number is zero
- returns +1 when number is positive
public int signum()
Parameters: The method does not take any parameters.
Return Value: The method returns -1, 0 or 1 as the value of this BigInteger when they are negative, zero or positive respectively.
Input: 2300 Output: 1 Explanation: 2300 is positive number so the method returns 1 Input: -5482549 Output: -1
Below program illustrate the signum() method of BigInteger.
// Program Demonstrate signum() method of BigInteger import java.math.*; public class GFG { public static void main(String[] args) { // Creating BigInteger object BigInteger biginteger = new BigInteger( "2300" ); // Call signum() method on bigInteger // store the return value as int int sigvalue = biginteger.signum(); // Depending upon sign value find sign of biginteger String sign = null ; if (sigvalue == 0 ) sign = "zero" ; else if (sigvalue == 1 ) sign = "positive" ; else sign = "negative" ; // Defining result String result = "BigInteger " + biginteger + " is " + sign + " and Sing value is " + sigvalue; // Print result System.out.println(result); } } |
BigInteger 2300 is positive and Sing value is 1