At the time of this writing, there aren’t very many devices that can be jailbroken on iOS 14 and/or iPadOS 14, except of course for the A9 and A9X varieties which received newfangled iOS and iPadOS 14 support by the checkra1n jailbreak earlier this week. But if you’re lucky enough to have one of these devices at your disposal and you’re interested in making a positive change to Apple’s latest and greatest mobile operating system, then you’re in luck.
BatteryWidgetLabels by iOS developer Dylan Duff is one of the first jailbreak tweaks to be released for improving the iOS and iPadOS 14 user experience, and it does so by adding numeric battery percentages to the brand-new Batteries widget that users can take advantage of right out of the box.
Ordinarily, the widget only displays battery level rings for each connected Bluetooth device, and while the rings give a general idea of how much battery you have left for each device, they aren’t as precise as some people might like. That’s where BatteryWidgetLabels comes into play, and as depicted in the screenshot example above, the tweak does a good job of making the widget a bit more specific when it comes to reporting battery levels.
Simply installing the BatteryWidgetLabels tweak is all that users need to do to take advantage of its fruitful benefits. There are no options to configure, and from what we can gather, the tweak is only intended for jailbroken iOS and iPadOS 14 devices due to the nature of Apple’s redesigned Batteries widget in this update.
Those interested in trying BatteryWidgetLabels can download the tweak for free from Dylan Duff’s repository via their favorite package manager. If you aren’t already using Dylan Duff’s repository, then you can add it to your package manager of choice with the following URL:
Do you intend to trick out your jailbroken iOS 14 device with the new BatteryWidgetLabels tweak? Discuss why or why not in the comments section below.