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HomeData ModellingData Structure & AlgorithmAverage value of set bit count in given Binary string after performing...

Average value of set bit count in given Binary string after performing all possible choices of K operations

Given a positive integer N and an array arr[] consisting of K integers and consider a binary string(say S) having N set bits, the task is to find the average value of the count of set bits after performing over all possible choices of K operations on the string S such that in the ith operation, any of the arr[i] bits out of N bits can be flipped.


Input: N = 3, arr[] = {2, 2}
Output: 1.6667
Explanation: The given binary string having N set bits, let’s say S = ‘111‘. All the possible sequence of moves are as follows:

  • In the first move flipping bits S[0] and S[1]. The string will be ‘001
    • In second move flipping bits S[0] and S[1]. The string will be ‘111’.
    • In second move flipping bits S[1] and S[2]. The string will be ‘010‘.
    • In second move flipping bits S[0] and S[2]. The string will be ‘100‘.
  • In the first move flipping bits S[1] and S[2]. The string will be ‘100‘.
    • In second move flipping bits S[0] and S[1]. The string will be ‘010‘.
    • In second move flipping bits S[1] and S[2]. The string will be ‘111′.
    • In second move flipping bits S[0] and S[2]. The string will be ‘001‘.
  • In the first move flipping bits S[0] and S[2]. The string will be ‘010‘.
    • In second move flipping bits S[0] and S[1]. The string will be ‘100‘.
    • In second move flipping bits S[1] and S[2]. The string will be ‘001‘.
    • In second move flipping bits S[0] and S[2]. The string will be ‘111‘.

Therefore, the total number of distinct operations possible are 9 and the count of set bits after the operations in all the cases is 15. So, the average value will be 15/9 = 1.6667.

Input: N = 5, arr[] = {1, 2, 3}
Output: 2.44


Approach: The given problem can be solved using some basic principles of Probability. Suppose, after the (i – 1)th operation, the value of the average number of set bits is p, and the value of the average number of off bits is q. It can be observed that the value of p after the ith operation will become p = p + the average number of off bits flipped into set bits – the average number of set bits flipped into off bits. Since the probability of choosing the bits in the string is equally likely, the value of p can be calculated as pi = pi-1 + q(i – 1)*(arr[i] / N) – p(i – 1)*(arr[i] / N). Follow the steps below to solve the given problem:

  • Initialize two variables, say p and q and initially, p = N and q = 0 as all the bits are set bits in the string initially.
  • Traverse the given array arr[] using a variable i and update the value of p and q as follows:
    • The value of p = p + q*(arr[i] / N) – p*(arr[i] / N).
    • Similarly, the value of q = q + p*(arr[i] / N) – q*(arr[i] / N).
  • The value stored in p is the required answer.

Below is the implementation of the above approach:


// C++ program for the above approach
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// Function to calculate the average number
// of Set bits after given operations
double averageSetBits(int N, int K, int arr[])
    // Stores the average number of set
    // bits after current operation
    double p = N;
    // Stores the average number of set
    // bits after current operation
    double q = 0;
    // Iterate through the array arr[] and
    // update the values of p and q
    for (int i = 0; i < K; i++) {
        // Store the value of p and q of the
        // previous state before their updation
        double _p = p, _q = q;
        // Update average number of set bits
        // after performing the ith operation
        p = _p - _p * arr[i] / N + _q * arr[i] / N;
        // Update average number of off bits
        // after performing the ith operation
        q = _q - _q * arr[i] / N + _p * arr[i] / N;
    // Return Answer
    return p;
// Driver Code
int main()
    int N = 5;
    int arr[] = { 1, 2, 3 };
    int K = sizeof(arr) / sizeof(arr[0]);
    cout << setprecision(10)
         << averageSetBits(N, K, arr);
    return 0;


// Java program for the above approach
class GFG {
    // Function to calculate the average number
    // of Set bits after given operations
    static double averageSetBits(int N, int K, int arr[])
        // Stores the average number of set
        // bits after current operation
        double p = N;
        // Stores the average number of set
        // bits after current operation
        double q = 0;
        // Iterate through the array arr[] and
        // update the values of p and q
        for (int i = 0; i < K; i++) {
            // Store the value of p and q of the
            // previous state before their updation
            double _p = p, _q = q;
            // Update average number of set bits
            // after performing the ith operation
            p = _p - _p * arr[i] / N + _q * arr[i] / N;
            // Update average number of off bits
            // after performing the ith operation
            q = _q - _q * arr[i] / N + _p * arr[i] / N;
        // Return Answer
        return p;
    // Driver Code
    public static void main(String[] args)
        int N = 5;
        int arr[] = { 1, 2, 3 };
        int K = arr.length;
            "%.10f", averageSetBits(N, K, arr)));
// This code is contributed by Dharanendra L V.


# Python 3 program for the above approach
# Function to calculate the average number
# of Set bits after given operations
def averageSetBits(N, K, arr):
    # Stores the average number of set
    # bits after current operation
    p = N
    # Stores the average number of set
    # bits after current operation
    q = 0
    # Iterate through the array arr[] and
    # update the values of p and q
    for i in range(K):
        # Store the value of p and q of the
        # previous state before their updation
        _p = p
        _q = q
        # Update average number of set bits
        # after performing the ith operation
        p = _p - _p * arr[i] / N + _q * arr[i] / N
        # Update average number of off bits
        # after performing the ith operation
        q = _q - _q * arr[i] / N + _p * arr[i] / N
    # Return Answer
    return p
# Driver Code
if __name__ == "__main__":
    N = 5
    arr = [1, 2, 3]
    K = len(arr)
    print("%.2f" % averageSetBits(N, K, arr))
    # This code is contributed by ukasp.


// C# program for the above approach
using System;
public class GFG {
    // Function to calculate the average number
    // of Set bits after given operations
    static double averageSetBits(int N, int K, int []arr)
        // Stores the average number of set
        // bits after current operation
        double p = N;
        // Stores the average number of set
        // bits after current operation
        double q = 0;
        // Iterate through the array []arr and
        // update the values of p and q
        for (int i = 0; i < K; i++) {
            // Store the value of p and q of the
            // previous state before their updation
            double _p = p, _q = q;
            // Update average number of set bits
            // after performing the ith operation
            p = _p - _p * arr[i] / N + _q * arr[i] / N;
            // Update average number of off bits
            // after performing the ith operation
            q = _q - _q * arr[i] / N + _p * arr[i] / N;
        // Return Answer
        return p;
    // Driver Code
    public static void Main(String[] args)
        int N = 5;
        int []arr = { 1, 2, 3 };
        int K = arr.Length;
            "{0:F10}", averageSetBits(N, K, arr)));
// This code is contributed by 29AjayKumar


       // JavaScript Program to implement
       // the above approach
       // Function to calculate the average number
       // of Set bits after given operations
       function averageSetBits(N, K, arr)
           // Stores the average number of set
           // bits after current operation
           let p = N;
           // Stores the average number of set
           // bits after current operation
           let q = 0;
           // Iterate through the array arr[] and
           // update the values of p and q
           for (let i = 0; i < K; i++) {
               // Store the value of p and q of the
               // previous state before their updation
               let _p = p, _q = q;
               // Update average number of set bits
               // after performing the ith operation
               p = _p - _p * arr[i] / N + _q * arr[i] / N;
               // Update average number of off bits
               // after performing the ith operation
               q = _q - _q * arr[i] / N + _p * arr[i] / N;
           // Return Answer
           return p;
       // Driver Code
       let N = 5;
       let arr = [1, 2, 3];
       let K = arr.length;
       document.write(averageSetBits(N, K, arr).toPrecision(3));
    // This code is contributed by Potta Lokesh




 Time Complexity: O(K), as we are using a loop to traverse N times so it will cost us O(K) time 
Auxiliary Space: O(1), as we are not using any extra space.

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Last Updated :
04 Aug, 2022
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Ted Musemwa
As a software developer I’m interested in the intersection of computational thinking and design thinking when solving human problems. As a professional I am guided by the principles of experiential learning; experience, reflect, conceptualise and experiment.


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