JailbreakCon is less than 48 hours away, and as a sponsor, I will be representing the iDB team at the event. I’ll be the first to admit that the workshops will be over my head but we plan to get some face to face time with some of the speakers to learn more about who they are and what they do.
Among the most acclaimed speakers, we expect to talk to Saurik, Ryan Petrich, P0sixninja, iH8Sn0w, pod2g, and more. We already have a few questions we’d like to ask them but we were thinking that you might have some questions to ask them too…
If you do, please go to the comments section below and let us know what you’d like to ask, and to whom you’d like your questions to be asked to. For example:
For Saurik: where can I get the Reloading Data t-shirt?
For everyone: what do you think your biggest accomplishment for the jailbreak community is?
We can’t guarantee we’ll be asking all the questions you will submit, but we’ll do our best to pick the best and fire them at the line up of JailbreakCon speakers.
Now if you’re going to be at JailbreakCon, don’t be shy and come say hi. I’ll be the guy with long hair and a crazy French accent!
If you want to go to JailbreakCon but don’t have your ticket yet, it’s not too late… Get on it now!