The Java.util.ArrayDeque.contains() method in Java is used to check or verify whether a specific element is present in the Deque or not.
Array_Deque.contains(Object element)
Parameters: The parameter element is of the type of ArrayDeque. This is the element that needs to be tested if it is present in the deque or not.
Return Value: The method returns True if the element is present in the deque otherwise it returns False.
The Time Complexity of the contains() method is O(N) i.e Linear.
Below programs illustrate the Java.util.ArrayDeque.contains() method:
Program 1:
// Java code to illustrate contains() import java.util.*; public class ArrayDequeDemo { public static void main(String args[]) { // Creating an empty ArrayDeque Deque<String> de_que = new ArrayDeque<String>(); // Use add() method to add elements into the Queue de_que.add( "Welcome" ); de_que.add( "To" ); de_que.add( "Geeks" ); de_que.add( "4" ); de_que.add( "Geeks" ); // Displaying the ArrayDeque System.out.println( "ArrayDeque: " + de_que); // Check for "Geeks" in the deque System.out.println( "Does the deque contains 'Geeks'? " + de_que.contains( "Geeks" )); // Check for "4" in the deque System.out.println( "Does the deque contains '4'? " + de_que.contains( "4" )); // Check if the deque contains "No" System.out.println( "Does the deque contains 'No'? " + de_que.contains( "No" )); } } |
ArrayDeque: [Welcome, To, Geeks, 4, Geeks] Does the deque contains 'Geeks'? true Does the deque contains '4'? true Does the deque contains 'No'? false
Program 2:
// Java code to illustrate contains() import java.util.*; public class ArrayDequeDemo { public static void main(String args[]) { // Creating an empty ArrayDeque Deque<Integer> de_que = new ArrayDeque<Integer>(); // Use add() method to add elements into the Queue de_que.add( 10 ); de_que.add( 15 ); de_que.add( 30 ); de_que.add( 20 ); de_que.add( 5 ); // Displaying the ArrayDeque System.out.println( "ArrayDeque: " + de_que); // Check for '15' in the Deque System.out.println( "Does the Deque contains '15'? " + de_que.contains( 15 )); // Check for '2' in the Deque System.out.println( "Does the Deque contains '2'? " + de_que.contains( 2 )); // Check if the Deque contains '10' System.out.println( "Does the Deque contains '10'? " + de_que.contains( 10 )); } } |
ArrayDeque: [10, 15, 30, 20, 5] Does the Deque contains '15'? true Does the Deque contains '2'? false Does the Deque contains '10'? true