As we know Python is a multi-purpose language and widely used for scripting. Its usage is not just limited to solve complex calculations but also to automate daily life task. Let’s say we want to track any Amazon product availability and grab the deal when the product availability changes and inform the user of availability through email. It will be a great fun to write a Python script for this.
Note: Install the required libraries (as per the code) before running the script. Also, note if the product is not available currently then no email will be sent to user. Asin Id should be provided by the user for the product he wants to keep track of.
Working of each module used:
-> requests: Used to make HTTP get and post requests
-> time: Used to find current time, wait, sleep
-> schedule: Used to schedule a function to run again after intervals. It is similar to “setInterval” functionality in JavaScript.
-> smptlib: Used to send email using Python.
Below is the implementation of above project:
# Python script for Amazon product availability checker # importing libraries from lxml import html import requests from time import sleep import time import schedule import smtplib # Email id for who want to check availability receiver_email_id = "EMAIL_ID_OF_USER" def check(url): headers = { 'User-Agent' : 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/42.0.2311.90 Safari/537.36' } # adding headers to show that you are # a browser who is sending GET request page = requests.get(url, headers = headers) for i in range ( 20 ): # because continuous checks in # milliseconds or few seconds # blocks your request sleep( 3 ) # parsing the html content doc = html.fromstring(page.content) # checking availability XPATH_AVAILABILITY = '//div[@id ="availability"]//text()' RAw_AVAILABILITY = doc.xpath(XPATH_AVAILABILITY) AVAILABILITY = ''.join(RAw_AVAILABILITY).strip() if RAw_AVAILABILITY else None return AVAILABILITY def sendemail(ans, product): GMAIL_USERNAME = "YOUR_GMAIL_ID" GMAIL_PASSWORD = "YOUR_GMAIL_PASSWORD" recipient = receiver_email_id body_of_email = ans email_subject = product + ' product availability' # creates SMTP session s = smtplib.SMTP( '' , 587 ) # start TLS for security s.starttls() # Authentication s.login(GMAIL_USERNAME, GMAIL_PASSWORD) # message to be sent headers = "\r\n" .join([ "from: " + GMAIL_USERNAME, "subject: " + email_subject, "to: " + recipient, "mime-version: 1.0" , "content-type: text/html" ]) content = headers + "\r\n\r\n" + body_of_email s.sendmail(GMAIL_USERNAME, recipient, content) s.quit() def ReadAsin(): # Asin Id is the product Id which # needs to be provided by the user Asin = 'B077PWK5BT' print ( "Processing: " + url) ans = check(url) arr = [ 'Only 1 left in stock.' , 'Only 2 left in stock.' , 'In stock.' ] print (ans) if ans in arr: # sending email to user if # in case product available sendemail(ans, Asin) # scheduling same code to run multiple # times after every 1 minute def job(): print ( "Tracking...." ) ReadAsin() schedule.every( 1 ) while True : # running all pending tasks/jobs schedule.run_pending() time.sleep( 1 ) |
Tracking.... Processing: Only 1 left in stock. Tracking.... Processing: Only 1 left in stock. Tracking.... Processing: Only 1 left in stock.
Note that the program might throw an error (Critical security alert/Sign-in attempt was blocked) while sending the mail to the user, which can be handled by modifying the security setting in the mail application you are using.