As promised, hacker and unc0ver lead developer Pwn20wnd has released a major update for his iOS 11-12-centric jailbreak tool on Thursday. The latest version of unc0ver is now v3.1.0.
Pwn20wnd announced the update just this morning via Twitter, noting that it was the single most substantial update ever released for the unc0ver jailbreak tool:
Citing the official changelog, unc0ver v3.1.0 encompasses the following changes:
05/18/2019 – v3.1.0 was released for production with the following changes:
- Rewrite the kernel patches from scratch to improve the stability and the reliability of the jailbreak
- Rewrite the preference management system from scratch to optimize the jailbreak
- Rewrite the diagnostics system from scratch to provide more useful information
- Rewrite unrestrict libary from scratch to improve the stability of the system after jailbreak
- Add support for switching from the other iOS 12 jailbreaks without restoring the root filesystem and losing data
- Make Unrestrict add sandbox exceptions for mach_lookup and mach_register
- Fix issues with processes looking up Substrate port on iOS 12 to fix stability and performance issues
- Fix support for the broken versions of RocketBootstrap and hid-support tweaks
- Fix the iMessage audio crash
- Fix FaceTime calls disappearing on some devices
- Fix Camera crash on some devices
- Update the local APT repo to include the latest updates from the Elucubratus repository, including the updated uikittools with rewritten uicache and sbreload commands to make refreshing the icon cache and reloading the SpringBoard significantly faster when installing packages from Cydia
- Refresh the icon cache during the root filesystem restore to fix jailbreak apps staying on the home screen after restoring the root filesystem
- Update mobilesubstrate to version 0.9.7033 to disable loader in the securityd daemon to fix a freeze issue on iOS 12
- Significantly improve the reliability of the jailbreak when using the machswap or the machswap2 exploit
- Wait for the user to tap OK on the jailbreak completed alert before respringing the device
- Improve the jailbreak’s self-repairability feature
- Add a progress HUD to display the status of the jailbreak process
- Optimize the code
- Improve assertion
- Add error-specific error messages
- Display info about the device on launch
- Clean up logging
- Reconfigure the “Reload System Daemons” and “Enable get-task-allow” preferences
- Make “Enable get-task-allow” a default option
This update was verified to work on iOS 11.1.1, 11.1.2, 11.2.1, 11.2.5, 11.3.1, 11.4, 11.4.1, 12.0, 12.1.1 and 12.1.2Conclusion:
This update significantly improves the stability and the performance of the entire system, fixes issues in the jailbreak app makes it more user-friendly, stable and performant and adds support for switching from other iOS 12 jailbreaks without losing data.
As you might’ve noticed, this update has a strong focus on performance and stability. That said, all unc0ver users are advised to upgrade to the latest version of the jailbreak at their earliest convenience to reap the benefits.
The unc0ver jailbreak supports devices running iOS 11.0-12.1.2, but it’s worth noting that A12(X)-based handsets are only partially supported at the time of this writing due to the lack of Cydia Substrate support for these devices. Pwn20wnd will soon implement Substitute for A12(X) device users to mitigate this handicap.
Those interested in using the latest version of unc0ver can download it from Pwn20wnd’s official GitHub page.
Have you noticed any significant improvements after running the latest version of unc0ver? Let us know in the comments section below!