In Reddit, a redditor is the term given to a user. Each and every redditor has an icon on their profile which is their online avatar. We will be using the icon_img()
attribute of the Redditor
class to fetch the URL of the redditor’s avatar.
Example 1 : Consider the following redditor :
The user name of the redditor is : spez.
# importing the module import praw import PIL import urllib # initialize with appropriate values client_id = "" client_secret = "" username = "" password = "" user_agent = "" # creating an authorized reddit instance reddit = praw.Reddit(client_id = client_id, client_secret = client_secret, username = username, password = password, user_agent = user_agent) # the name of the redditor redditor_name = "spez" # instantiating the Redditor class redditor = reddit.redditor(redditor_name) # fetching the URL of the image url = redditor.icon_img print ( "The URL of the icon image of " + redditor_name + " is : \n" + url) # displaying the image urllib.request.urlretrieve(url, "reddit.png" ) img = PIL.Image. open ( "reddit.png" ) |
Output :
The URL of the icon image of prez is :
Example 2 : Consider the following redditor :
The user name of the redditor is : AutoModerator
# importing the module import praw import PIL import urllib # initialize with appropriate values client_id = "" client_secret = "" username = "" password = "" user_agent = "" # creating an authorized reddit instance reddit = praw.Reddit(client_id = client_id, client_secret = client_secret, username = username, password = password, user_agent = user_agent) # the name of the redditor redditor_name = "AutoModerator" # instantiating the Redditor class redditor = reddit.redditor(redditor_name) # fetching the URL of the image url = redditor.icon_img print ( "The URL of the icon image of " + redditor_name + " is : \n" + url) # displaying the image urllib.request.urlretrieve(url, "reddit.png" ) img = PIL.Image. open ( "reddit.png" ) |
Output :
The URL of the icon image of AutoModerator is :, smart&s=94486fc13b9ca9e154e9e8926e3d8c43ccc80be3