The XAxis.set_tick_params() function in axis module of matplotlib library is used to set appearance parameters for ticks, ticklabels, and gridlines.
Syntax: XAxis.set_tick_params(self, which=’major’, reset=False, **kw)
Parameters: This method accepts the following parameters.
- which: This parameter is the used to which axis to apply the parameters to.
Return value: This method does not returns any value.
Below examples illustrate the matplotlib.axis.XAxis.set_tick_params() function in matplotlib.axis:
Example 1:
# Implementation of matplotlib function import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np t = np.arange( 0.1 , 3.0 , 0.04 ) fig, ax1 = plt.subplots() ax1.plot(t, np.sin( 4 * np.pi * t)) ax1.grid( True ) ax1.set_ylim(( - 3 , 3 )) ax1.xaxis.set_tick_params(labelcolor = 'r' ) ax1.yaxis.set_tick_params(labelcolor = 'g' ) plt.title( 'matplotlib.axis.XAxis.set_tick_params() function Example' , fontweight = "bold" ) |
Example 2:
# Implementation of matplotlib function import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.dates import (YEARLY, DateFormatter, rrulewrapper, RRuleLocator, drange) import numpy as np import datetime np.random.seed( 19680801 ) Val1 = rrulewrapper(YEARLY, byeaster = 1 , interval = 5 ) Val2 = RRuleLocator(Val1) formatter = DateFormatter( '%y/%m/%d' ) date1 = 2002 , 2 , 3 ) date2 = 2010 , 5 , 14 ) delta = datetime.timedelta(days = 10 ) dates = drange(date1, date2, delta) s = np.random.rand( len (dates)) fig, ax = plt.subplots() plt.plot_date(dates, s, 'go' ) ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(Val2) ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(formatter) ax.xaxis.set_tick_params(rotation = 25 , labelsize = 10 , labelcolor = "g" ) ax.yaxis.set_tick_params(rotation = 25 , labelsize = 12 , labelcolor = "r" ) plt.title('matplotlib.axis.XAxis.set_tick_params()\n\ function Example', fontweight = "bold" ) |