In this article we will see how we can set the fixed size to the QCalendarWidget. Fixed size of the calendar is that size after which it can’t expand or shrink any further, by default when we create a calendar inside the layout and when the window get extended or shrinks calendar size also increases and shrinks, therefore, there is need to set the fixed size. We can individually set fixed width and height with the help of setFixedWidth and setFixedHeight method respectively.
In order to do this we will use setFixedSize method with the QCalendarWidget object.
Syntax : calendar.setFixedSize(size)
Argument : It takes QSize object as argument
Return : It return None
Below is the implementation
# importing libraries from PyQt5.QtWidgets import * from PyQt5 import QtCore, QtGui from PyQt5.QtGui import * from PyQt5.QtCore import * import sys # QCalendarWidget Class class Calendar(QCalendarWidget): # constructor def __init__( self , parent = None ): super (Calendar, self ).__init__(parent) self .setMouseTracking( True ) class Window(QMainWindow): def __init__( self ): super ().__init__() # setting title self .setWindowTitle("Python ") # setting geometry self .setGeometry( 100 , 100 , 500 , 400 ) # calling method self .UiComponents() # showing all the widgets self .show() # method for components def UiComponents( self ): # creating a layout layout = QVBoxLayout() # creating a QCalendarWidget object # as Calendar class inherits QCalendarWidget self .calendar = Calendar( self ) # setting cursor self .calendar.setCursor(Qt.PointingHandCursor) # adding calendar to the layout layout.addWidget( self .calendar) # setting fixed size self .calendar.setFixedSize(QSize( 400 , 300 )) # setting layout widget = QWidget() widget.setLayout(layout) self .setCentralWidget(widget) # create pyqt5 app App = QApplication(sys.argv) # create the instance of our Window window = Window() # start the app sys.exit(App. exec ()) |
Output :