In this article, we are going to see how to estimate the gradient of a function in one or more dimensions in PyTorch.
torch.gradient() function
torch.gradient() method estimates the gradient of a function in one or more dimensions using the second-order accurate central differences method, and the function can be defined on a real or complex domain. For controllers and optimizers, gradient estimations are quite valuable. Gradient descent is a prominent optimization method that requires an estimate of the output derivatives with respect to each input at a given location. Let’s have a look at the syntax of the given method first:
Syntax: torch.gradient(values)
- values(Tensor): this parameter is represents the values of the function.
Example 1
In this example, we estimate the gradient of a function for a 1D tensor.
# Import required library import torch # define the tensor tens = torch.tensor([ - 2. , 1. , - 3. , 4. , 5. ]) print ( " Input tensor: " , tens) # define a function def fun(tens): return tens * * 2 + 5 # values of function values = fun(tens) # display values print ( " Function Values: " , values) # estimate the gradients of fun grad = torch.gradient(values) # Display result print ( " Estimated Gradients of fun() - " , grad) |
Example 2
In this example, we estimate the gradient of a function for a 2D tensor.
# Import required library import torch # define the tensor tens = torch.tensor([[ - 1. , 3. , - 5. ], [ - 4. , 5. , 2. ], [ - 2. , 3. , 4. ], ]) print ( "\n Input tensor: \n" , tens) # define a function def fun(tens): return tens * * 3 # values of function values = fun(tens) # display values print ( "\n Function Values: \n" , values) # estimate the gradients of fun in dim=0 grad_dim_0 = torch.gradient(values, dim = 0 ) print ( "\n Estimated Gradients of fun() in dim=0 - \n" , grad_dim_0) # estimate the gradients of fun in dim=1 grad_dim_1 = torch.gradient(values, dim = 1 ) print ( "\n Estimated Gradients of fun() in dim=1 - \n" , grad_dim_1) |