Just a few hours after launching an update for the iOS & iPadOS 14-based Taurine jailbreak tool this 4th of July weekend with official support for the new taurine-permanent package, the Odyssey Team pushed yet another update.
The latest version of Taurine, now dubbed version 1.1.5, was first announced via the team’s official Twitter page, and from what we can gather, it implements fixes that should enhance stability on arm64e-equipped handsets running iOS & iPadOS 14.2-14.3.
If you hadn’t already installed the previous v1.1.4 update to Taurine, then you can use the latest v1.1.5 update in order to benefit from the powerful new taurine-permanent package, which keeps the Taurine app signed indefinitely similarly to how Fugu14 works with the unc0ver jailbreak.
Like all versions of Taurine released in the past, the new v1.1.5 release is available from the jailbreak’s official web page, the URL of which we’ve included for your convenience below:
As always, those who want help using Taurine for the first time can follow on our detailed step-by-step tutorial to get started. Taurine currently supports all iOS & iPadOS 14.0-14.3 devices only.
Have you updated to the latest version of Taurine yet? Be sure to let us know in the comments section down below.