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HomeLanguagesAngularAngular 12 Export Data to Excel Example

Angular 12 Export Data to Excel Example

Angular 11/12 export data excel sheet format example. In this tutorial, you will learn step by step how to export excel sheet file in angular 11/12 app.

This tutorial guide will help you step by step onĀ Angular 12 PrimeNG Data Table with Export to Excel.

How to Export Data In Excel Sheet Using Angular 12

Follow the following steps and export data in excel format in angular 12 app:

  • Step 1 ā€“ Create New Angular App
  • Step 2 ā€“ Install bootstrap and primeng Library
  • Step 3 ā€“ Add Code on App.Module.ts File
  • Step 4 ā€“ Add Code on View File
  • Step 5 ā€“ Add Code On app.Component ts File
  • Step 6 ā€“ Start theĀ Angular App

Step 1 ā€“ Create New Angular App

First of all, open your terminal and execute the following command on it to install angular app:

ng new my-new-app

Step 2 ā€“ Install bootstrap and primeng Library

Then install NPM package called ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap for implement bootstrap in angular 11 app. So, You can install the packages by executing the following commands on the terminal:

npm install jquery --save
ng add @ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap
npm install primeng --save 
npm install primeicons --save  
npm install @angular/cdk --save 
npm i file-saver npm i xlsx 
npm install primeflex --save

Step 3 ā€“ Add Code on App.Module.ts File

In this step, visit src/app directory and open app.module.ts file. And then add the following lines of into app.module.ts file:

import { BrowserAnimationsModule } from '@angular/platform-browser/animations';
import { TableModule } from 'primeng/table';
import { DropdownModule } from 'primeng/dropdown';
import { ButtonModule } from 'primeng/button';

  imports: [

Step 4 ā€“ Add Code on View File

In this step, create bootstrap in angular 11 app. So, visit src/app/ and app.component.html and update the following code into it:

<p-table [value]="sales">
    <ng-template pTemplate="caption">
        <div class="p-d-flex">
            <button type="button" pButton pRipple icon="pi pi-file-excel" (click)="exportExcel()" class="p-button-success p-mr-2"></button>
    <ng-template pTemplate="header">
            <th pSortableColumn="brand">Brand <p-sortIcon field="brand"></p-sortIcon></th>
            <th>Last Year Sale</th>
            <th>This Year Sale</th>
            <th>Last Year Profit</th>
            <th>This Year Profit</th>
    <ng-template pTemplate="body" let-sale>

Step 5 ā€“ Add Code On app.Component ts File

In this step, visit the src/app directory and open app.component.ts. Then add the following code into component.ts file:

export class AppComponent {
  ngOnInit() {
    this.sales = [
      { brand: 'Apple', lastYearSale: '51%', thisYearSale: '40%', lastYearProfit: '$54,406.00', thisYearProfit: '$43,342' },
      { brand: 'Samsung', lastYearSale: '83%', thisYearSale: '96%', lastYearProfit: '$423,132', thisYearProfit: '$312,122' },
      { brand: 'Microsoft', lastYearSale: '38%', thisYearSale: '5%', lastYearProfit: '$12,321', thisYearProfit: '$8,500' },
      { brand: 'Philips', lastYearSale: '49%', thisYearSale: '22%', lastYearProfit: '$745,232', thisYearProfit: '$650,323,' },
      { brand: 'Song', lastYearSale: '17%', thisYearSale: '79%', lastYearProfit: '$643,242', thisYearProfit: '500,332' },
      { brand: 'LG', lastYearSale: '52%', thisYearSale: ' 65%', lastYearProfit: '$421,132', thisYearProfit: '$150,005' },
      { brand: 'Sharp', lastYearSale: '82%', thisYearSale: '12%', lastYearProfit: '$131,211', thisYearProfit: '$100,214' },
      { brand: 'Panasonic', lastYearSale: '44%', thisYearSale: '45%', lastYearProfit: '$66,442', thisYearProfit: '$53,322' },
      { brand: 'HTC', lastYearSale: '90%', thisYearSale: '56%', lastYearProfit: '$765,442', thisYearProfit: '$296,232' },
      { brand: 'Toshiba', lastYearSale: '75%', thisYearSale: '54%', lastYearProfit: '$21,212', thisYearProfit: '$12,533' }

//excel button click functionality
exportExcel() {
  import("xlsx").then(xlsx => {
      const worksheet = xlsx.utils.json_to_sheet(this.sales); // Sale Data
      const workbook = { Sheets: { 'data': worksheet }, SheetNames: ['data'] };
      const excelBuffer: any = xlsx.write(workbook, { bookType: 'xlsx', type: 'array' });
      this.saveAsExcelFile(excelBuffer, "sales");
saveAsExcelFile(buffer: any, fileName: string): void {
  import("file-saver").then(FileSaver => {
    let EXCEL_TYPE =
    let EXCEL_EXTENSION = ".xlsx";
    const data: Blob = new Blob([buffer], {
      type: EXCEL_TYPE
      fileName + "_export_" + new Date().getTime() + EXCEL_EXTENSION


Step 6 ā€“ Start theĀ Angular App

In this step, execute the following command on terminal to start angular app:

ng serve

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Dominic Rubhabha-Wardslaus
Dominic Rubhabha-Wardslaus
infosec,malicious & dos attacks generator, boot rom exploit philanthropist , wild hacker , game developer,

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