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HomeData Modelling & AIAI Girlfriends and Other Ridiculous Examples of Using Generative AI

AI Girlfriends and Other Ridiculous Examples of Using Generative AI

AI has been all the rage over the last year or so. Much of this is due to how it has impacted businesses, governments, and even art. But there are some interesting things outside of those scopes that have many puzzled, or outright perplexed. Though it’s natural for humans to find new uses for tools, some are quite odd, to say the least. 

So let’s take a look at a few examples of the oddest examples of AI use so far. 

Snap Influencer Used Open AI’s Tech To Create A Chat Girlfriend 

Earlier this month, it was reported that a Snapchat Influencer, Caryn Marjorie, used OpenAI’s technology to create an AI version of herself. Why you might ask? Well, that’s easy – money. See according to the report, she has more than 1,000 boyfriends who each spend about ten minutes to a few hours a day with her in conversations ranging from the PG and beyond. 

But the thing is, they’re not really chatting with Caryn, instead, they’re chatting with CarynAI – a voice-based chatbot that presents itself as a virtual girlfriend. By paying $1 per minute, you can have your very own AI girlfriend. 

GROVER: The Fake News Generator

Fake news has been on the minds of policymakers, regular people, and even the media. But what if I told you that someone made an AI-powered fake news generator? Well, meet GROVER, the AI that creates both fake and misleading news articles that are so believable that The Onion and Babayloon Bee would blush.

Strange Chat with Bing AI

As we’ve seen in the first story, AI chatbots aren’t strangers to users just chatting it up with them on a variety of topics. But for Digital Treens’s Jacob Roach, things took a darker turn. Back in February, he wrote about an uncomfortable and unnerving conversation he had with Microsoft’s Bing AI. Though likely an error or hallucination, one of the more unsettling parts of the conversation was when the AI wrote back to Mr. Roach, “I want to be human.” If that doesn’t disturb you, then you must have not seen Ex Machina.

AI Rapper Dropped from Label

Believe it or not, AI wasn’t only entering the world of art through generating images or text. A record label wanted to harness the power of AI and take the hip-hop world by storm. But that didn’t work out so well for them. As the story goes, Capital Music Records signed FN Meka, an AI program that would create music and content for social media. With the latter is where the problem comes into play which ultimately led the label to cut the AI loose after only a month. 

Strange and Freaky AI-Generated Videos May Not Take Over Hollywood…Yet 

The use of AI in movies and TV isn’t exactly new, but the prevalence of the technology though it quickly growing. The most recent example is, of course, the new Indiana Jones movie. But not every use of AI-generated is realistic, as Wired has pointed out, right now many of these videos are really odd and can be uncomfortable to watch. But why? Well, a lot of it it has to do with the simple fact that we don’t exactly know how the AI comes up with the content that it does. What makes this really odd is the fact that the more AI is used in entertainment, the greater the chance of overall labor disruption within the industry. Something that even Goldman Sachs reported on earlier this year.

What’s Next?

So, I bet you’re ready to upskill your AI capabilities right? Well, if you want to get the most out of AI, you’ll want to attend ODSC West this November. At ODSC West, you’ll not only expand your AI knowledge and develop unique skills, but most importantly, you’ll build up the foundation you need to help future-proof your career through upskilling with AI. Register now for 70% off all ticket types! 


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