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Web Mining

Web Mining is the process of Data Mining techniques to automatically discover and extract information from Web documents and services. The main purpose of web mining is discovering useful information from the World-Wide Web and its usage patterns. 

Applications of Web Mining:

Web mining is the process of discovering patterns, structures, and relationships in web data. It involves using data mining techniques to analyze web data and extract valuable insights. The applications of web mining are wide-ranging and include:

Personalized marketing:

 Web mining can be used to analyze customer behavior on websites and social media platforms. This information can be used to create personalized marketing campaigns that target customers based on their interests and preferences.


Web mining can be used to analyze customer behavior on e-commerce websites. This information can be used to improve the user experience and increase sales by recommending products based on customer preferences.

Search engine optimization: 

Web mining can be used to analyze search engine queries and search engine results pages (SERPs). This information can be used to improve the visibility of websites in search engine results and increase traffic to the website.

Fraud detection: 

Web mining can be used to detect fraudulent activity on websites. This information can be used to prevent financial fraud, identity theft, and other types of online fraud.

Sentiment analysis:

 Web mining can be used to analyze social media data and extract sentiment from posts, comments, and reviews. This information can be used to understand customer sentiment towards products and services and make informed business decisions.

Web content analysis: 

Web mining can be used to analyze web content and extract valuable information such as keywords, topics, and themes. This information can be used to improve the relevance of web content and optimize search engine rankings.

Customer service: 

Web mining can be used to analyze customer service interactions on websites and social media platforms. This information can be used to improve the quality of customer service and identify areas for improvement.


Web mining can be used to analyze health-related websites and extract valuable information about diseases, treatments, and medications. This information can be used to improve the quality of healthcare and inform medical research.

Process of Web Mining:

Web Mining Process

Web mining can be broadly divided into three different types of techniques of mining: Web Content Mining, Web Structure Mining, and Web Usage Mining. These are explained as following below.

Categories of Web Mining

  1. Web Content Mining: Web content mining is the application of extracting useful information from the content of the web documents. Web content consist of several types of data – text, image, audio, video etc. Content data is the group of facts that a web page is designed. It can provide effective and interesting patterns about user needs. Text documents are related to text mining, machine learning and natural language processing. This mining is also known as text mining. This type of mining performs scanning and mining of the text, images and groups of web pages according to the content of the input.
  2. Web Structure Mining: Web structure mining is the application of discovering structure information from the web. The structure of the web graph consists of web pages as nodes, and hyperlinks as edges connecting related pages. Structure mining basically shows the structured summary of a particular website. It identifies relationship between web pages linked by information or direct link connection. To determine the connection between two commercial websites, Web structure mining can be very useful.
  3. Web Usage Mining: Web usage mining is the application of identifying or discovering interesting usage patterns from large data sets. And these patterns enable you to understand the user behaviors or something like that. In web usage mining, user access data on the web and collect data in form of logs. So, Web usage mining is also called log mining.

Comparison Between Data mining and Web mining:

Points Data Mining Web Mining
Definition Data Mining is the process that attempts to discover pattern and hidden knowledge in large data sets in any system. Web Mining is the process of data mining techniques to automatically discover and extract information from web documents.
Application Data Mining is very useful for web page analysis. Web Mining is very useful for a particular website and e-service.
Target Users Data scientist and data engineers. Data scientists along with data analysts.
Access Data Mining access data privately. Web Mining access data publicly.
Structure In Data Mining get the information from explicit structure. In Web Mining get the information from structured, unstructured and semi-structured web pages.
Problem Type Clustering, classification, regression, prediction, optimization and control. Web content mining, Web structure mining.
Tools It includes tools like machine learning algorithms. Special tools for web mining are Scrapy, PageRank and Apache logs.
Skills It includes approaches for data cleansing, machine learning algorithms. Statistics and probability. It includes application level knowledge, data engineering with mathematical modules like statistics and probability.
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