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Understanding Windows Management Instrumentation and its role in Windows Server{text-align:center}.tdi_3 .td-element-style{z-index:-1}{text-align:left} img{margin:0 auto 0 0}@media(max-width:767px){{text-align:center}}

Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) is a Windows component you use to help manage Windows systems. WMI is Microsoft’s proprietary implementation of the Web-Based Enterprise Management (WBEM) standard. WBEM is an open standard promulgated by the Distributed Management Task Force that aims to unify the management of distributed computing environments by utilizing standards-based internet technologies.

This article is an excerpt taken from one of the chapters from the book, Windows Server Automation with PowerShell Cookbook by Thomas Lee. The author has curated over 100 PowerShell recipes for working more effectively with Windows Server 2022/2019.

Windows Server Automation with PowerShell Cookbook: Powerful ways to automate and manage Windows administrative tasks, 4th Edition

Windows Server Automation with PowerShell Cookbook: Powerful ways to automate and manage Windows administrative tasks, 4th Edition


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Exploring WMI in Windows{text-align:center}.tdi_2 .td-element-style{z-index:-1}{text-align:left} img{margin:0 auto 0 0}@media(max-width:767px){{text-align:center}}

Windows installs WMI during the installation of the OS. The installation process puts most of the WMI components, including the repository, tools, and the providers, into a folder, C:\Windows\System32\WBEM. Inside a running Windows host, WMI runs as a service, the winmgmt service (winmgmt.exe). Windows runs this service inside a shared service process (svchost.exe). In the early versions of WMI in Windows, WMI loaded all the WMI providers into the winmgmt service. The failure of a single provider could cause the entire WMI service to fail. Later, with Windows XP and beyond, Microsoft improved WMI to load providers in a separate process, WmiPrvSE.exe

In this recipe, you examine the contents of the WBEM folder, the WMI service, and runtime components of WMI. 

Getting ready 

This recipe uses SRV1, a domain-joined host. You have installed PowerShell 7 and VS Code on this host. 

How to do it… 

  1. Viewing the WBEM folder 
$WBEMFOLDER = "$Env:windir\system32\wbem" 
Get-ChildItem -Path $WBEMFOLDER | 
  Select-Object -First 20 
  1. Viewing the WMI repository folder   
Get-ChildItem -Path $WBEMFOLDER\Repository 
  1. Viewing the WMI service details 
Get-Service -Name Winmgmt  |  
  Format-List -Property *
  1. Getting process details 
$S = tasklist.exe /svc /fi "SERVICES eq winmgmt" | 
       Select-Object -Last 1 
$P = [int] ($S.Substring(30,4)) 
Get-Process -Id $P  

  1. Examining DLLs loaded by the WMI service process
Get-Process -Id $P |  
  Select-Object -ExpandProperty modules |  
    Where-Object ModuleName -match 'wmi' | 
      Format-Table -Property FileName, Description, FileVersion
  1. Discovering WMI providers 
Get-ChildItem -Path $WBEMFOLDER\*.dll |  
  Select-Object -ExpandProperty Versioninfo |  
    Where-Object FileDescription -match 'prov' | 
      Format-Table -Property Internalname,  
  1. Examining the WmiPrvSE process                              

Get-Process -Name WmiPrvSE 
  1. Finding the WMI event log 
$Log = Get-WinEvent -ListLog *wmi* 
  1. Looking at the event types in the WMI log
$Events = Get-WinEvent -LogName $Log.LogName 
$Events | Group-Object -Property LevelDisplayName
  1. Examining WMI event log entries 
 $Events | 
  Select-Object -First 5 | 
    Format-Table -Wrap
  1. Viewing executable programs in WBEM folder
$Files = Get-ChildItem -Path $WBEMFOLDER\*.exe 
"{0,15}  {1,-40}" -f 'File Name','Description' 
Foreach ($File in $Files){ 
 $Name = $File.Name 
 $Desc = ($File |  
          Select-Object -ExpandProperty VersionInfo).FileDescription 
"{0,15}  {1,-40}" -f $Name,$Desc 

  1. Examining the CimCmdlets module
Get-Module -Name CimCmdlets | 
  Select-Object -ExcludeProperty Exported* 
    Format-List -Property *
  1. Finding cmdlets in the CimCmdlets module 
Get-Command -Module CimCmdlets     
  1. Examining the .NET type returned from Get-CimInstance 
Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_Share | Get-Member  

How it works… 

The WMI service and related files are in the Windows installation folder’s System32\WBEM folder. In step 1, you view part of the contents of that folder, with output like this: 

899i NsxOJutHjIWwENClq1MR8 5sCqGn7SDsBp JyrZjenBf0Z8SGUjQrgbQxPU gCVf duh9nfl246UgZGvGc6K3M HvoVTCzhmbppfBmR9WMweXeWCbd076N7p7c0gG AWZJBEm vvJ8TaNk  

WMI stores the CIM repository in a separate folder. In step 2, you examine the files that make up the database, with output like this: 

Figure 2: Examining the files making up the CIM repository 

In step 3, you use Get-Service to examine the WMI service, with output that looks like this: 

R 5JzbkBW9LGiaTz4qp5rwzjteLhrznPFR2XpLuaVpJ3F3RBvxCGrvABhWDgUj4OO4D4QsDCgTrWXSxyTNgyqtE60EzzeGxTN3KBXd mPFgonaSGgRuYVJbyMbI Fs0qPYuRAogDa8ir4Zt1eIE Figure 3: Viewing the WMI service 

In step 4, you examine the Windows process that runs the WMI service, with output like this: 

U21JZR 0OZbss7YvuU0fB 7RDlhdiqay6NKffWtKGmVGus1CNCm4z6OOaJtenTeY5oR0CBS87lXuAl5SCgmpBMSaLiRoSDlzvYTfvhrrLfZpvcyl2UbSVqkhG55VAtnnAGr692KqTZp lFPPjsI Figure 4: Viewing the WMI service 

In step 5, you look at the DLLs loaded by the WMI service process, with the following output: 

dQNocx6KSU clpBuq1 iS5 q7LAQAQhTpnQe2QsTEoWnPSDZUO5zioboAg2RkEICY8Ic9V4J9zZslo3CDBjqCLSpwxyIbs17KPpZe07tGdUGQztguvNlKRyoHa5MfMZ2ziG wp LCazjVop5DXw Figure 5: Viewing the DLLs loaded by the WMI service process

Each WMI provider is a DLL which the WMI service can use. In step 6, you look at the  WMI providers on SRV1, with output like this: 

XIXGwjM4dNzJL8KEmRmoq0XCYQT9ALHe2qaFjjWuQdwa2dLaGUwwmv9 pTrCxVjb2Kh0QCRgbiYykXZHFAfC 0lgs794w5J3bqkQ3LbO1b4FnEN5H4imaXf5f5 wXzDXG6M2G1jqzV KSSc4KC4

Figure 6: Viewing WMI provider DLLs

In step 7, you examine the WmiPrvSE process, with output like this: 

XgvhV1VWv2sCDEQ5XV9yZFuLbKbGCW6F 5LR7psjMrI9ia3EFtlGVWMosN6pXYXBAOLoAJkQDQsc8p4yAj91R3 4lu6ZB ia44tB7ORFbfs5Sv

Figure 7: Viewing the WmiPrvSE process 

Like other Windows services, WMI logs events to an event log, which can help troubleshoot WMI issues. In step 8, you look for any WMI related event logs with output like this:    YZMISRWKUJNDoMrCIg8ygiOapbwDCqJMjsm s2rWY57GptysmNkiAtGuo8sDhZDlRQncinSJQ9oYwq2BSrKJeyDrIG iqNIJEQRURDmoA0rvMxbVLPBRGUTPGD41nlmBwcqJvNTHqnp RTydK k Figure 8: Viewing WMI-related event logs

In step 9, you get the events from the log to view the different log levels, with output like this: 

12Yetq2aSv4JeVxAkYscq7a2i4yXuVM h G8N74URlfD12zPrg57X2ggxDyyKpBvq8La1nhE7PMlrhV6n y Gp0LIi KVnhvBQdP9JxxRy6rAFhDf94gah5wfAueYDEIhhsNdqs1quapB 8GvtA Figure 9: Discovering WMI event types 

In step 10, you view the first five WMI event log entries on SRV1. The output looks like this: 

kpYjgXe5qFNFVSrMlgbuQWva1cm5DLHDvkgGuFigure 10: Viewing WMI event log entries

In step 11, you view the executable programs in the WBEM folder, with output like this: 

A2IOX7ch5N7Wu1tCCSpGVoDr7N6kIxWPPZ8iRUSbQ gxn128UdQsoa4uLRVM5rxSpVNd7TLvk Figure 11: Viewing the executable programs in the WBEM folder

With PowerShell 7 (and optionally with Windows PowerShell), you access WMI’s functionality using the cmdlets in the CimCmdlets module. You installed this module as part of installing PowerShell 7. The Windows installation program installed a version of this module when you installed the host OS. In step 12, you examine the properties of this module, with output like this:              


Figure 12: Viewing the CimCmdlets module details 

 In step 13, you use Get-Command to discover the cmdlets within the CimCmdlets module, which looks like this: 

SgRDRJOzdCZ37MG7IK31jlP7C7SIMYuHFOE6e7k5iAAhCgIlf0U2Ga vSsZKM77cTqMmmIc8PWS3fxDBoUxpyqHGYB75d0u xSO50kccOyosE7WW 7LwLRyBcSCcG4RnnMnZuI i4lfedFjlu38

Figure 13: Viewing the cmdlets in the CimCmdlets module 

In step 14, you examine the properties of an object returned from WMI after using the GetCimInstance command. The output from this step looks like this: 

wlCQDD5wpbwqtLA IMrVxDF9y1QERlCShUBg534j311Y6QasHUr7fQZe6vgyofcbPJSo0yVgwKWC8wL2QZTgpTGgkGvPCbbITwZK XZnsFlT

Figure 14: Examining the output from Get-CimInstance 


In this article we explored the fundamentals of Windows Management Instrumentation and also understood its significance and functionalities in Windows Server. The book further explores WMI with respect to its relevance in namespaces and classes. The book further dives deep into the topics of Obtaining local and remote WMI objects, Using WMI methods, Managing WMI events, and Implementing permanent WMI eventing.{text-align:center}.tdi_4 .td-element-style{z-index:-1}{text-align:left} img{margin:0 auto 0 0}@media(max-width:767px){{text-align:center}}


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