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How to Import templates on Cacti

Cacti is a great monitoring and Graphing tool that runs on many Unix and Linux Operating systems. We recently wrote guides on Cacti installation, check them out using the following links:

This guide on How to Import templates on Cacti is based on that article.

What are Cacti Templates:

You can unleash the real strength of Cacti is by using templates. There are three different types of templates with the basic Cacti installation:

  • Data Templates –  A data template provides a skeleton for an actual data source
  • Graph Templates – A  graph template provides a skeleton for an actual graph
  • Host Templates – Instead of abstracting the fields of a host, a host template allows you to associate graph templates and data queries with a given host type.

How to Import templates on Cacti

Templates on Cacti are imported using import_package.php script. You can locate this script by using the command below:

$ sudo find / -name import_package.php

From the output we can confirm its location is /var/www/html/cacti/cli/import_package.php. This may vary depending on how your installation was done.

Check script usage guide:

$ sudo /var/www/html/cacti/cli/import_package.php --help
Cacti Import Template Utility, Version 1.2.19 (DB: 1.2.19), Copyright (C) 2004-2022 The Cacti Group

usage: import_package.php --filename=[filename] [--only-info] [--remove-orphans] [--with-profile] [--profile-id=N

A utility to allow signed Cacti Packages to be imported from the command line.

    --filename              The name of the gziped package file to import

    --only-info       Output the info section of the package, do not import
    --preview         Preview the Template Import, do not import
    --with-profile    Use the default system Data Source Profile
    --profile-id=N    Use the specific profile id when importing
    --remove-orphans  If importing a new version of the template, old
                      elements will be removed, if they do not exist
                      in the new version of the template.

The usage syntax is:

sudo /var/www/html/cacti/cli/import_package.php --filename=[filename]


  • [filename] is the name of the gziped package file to import

Downloading Cacti Templates

Cacti Templates for Host, Graph, and Data are available on You can download a template you want from the link to the local system where Cacti server runs. Let’s consider an example to install SNMP Generic device template


Once the package is downloaded, install it like below:

sudo /var/www/html/cacti/cli/import_package.php --filename=./generic_snmp_device.xml.gz

Sample output:

Cacti has imported the following items for the Package:
Package Files
/var/www/html/cacti/site/resource/snmp_queries/interface.xml [written]
[success] Turn Bytes into Bits [unchanged]
[success] Normal [unchanged]
Data Input Method
[success] Unix - Ping Host [updated]
Table: data_input, Column: input_string, New Value: 'perl <path_cacti>/scripts/ <hostname>', Old Value: 'perl <path_cacti>/scripts/ <ip>'
Table: data_input_fields, Column: data_name, New Value: 'hostname', Old Value: 'ip'
[success] Get SNMP Data [unchanged]
[success] Get SNMP Data (Indexed) [updated]
Table: data_input_fields, Column: allow_nulls, New Value: 'on', Old Value: ''
Data Template
[success] Unix - Ping Host [new]
[success] SNMP - Generic OID Template [new]
[success] Interface - Traffic [new]
[success] Interface - Errors/Discards [new]
[success] Interface - Unicast Packets [new]
[success] Interface - Non-Unicast Packets [new]
Graph Template
[success] Unix - Ping Latency [new]
[success] SNMP - Generic OID Template [new]
[success] Interface - Traffic (bits/sec) [new]
[success] Interface - Errors/Discards [new]
[success] Interface - Unicast Packets [new]
[success] Interface - Non-Unicast Packets [new]
[success] Interface - Traffic (bytes/sec) [new]
[success] Interface - Traffic (bits/sec, 95th Percentile) [new]
[success] Interface - Traffic (bits/sec, Total Bandwidth) [new]
[success] Interface - Traffic (bytes/sec, Total Bandwidth) [new]
[success] Interface - Multicast Packets (Legacy) [new]
[success] Interface - Broadcast Packets (Legacy) [new]
Data Query

After the installation, Data Query XML files are copied  into Cacti snmp_queries directory:

$ ls -1 /var/www/html/cacti/resource/snmp_queries/

Let’s also add Local Linux system

wget -O local_linux_machine.xml.gz

Then import it using the command:

sudo /var/www/html/cacti/cli/import_package.php --filename=./local_linux_machine.xml.gz

This last package comes with the following templates –  linux, UNIX, net-snmp, load, cpu, memory, context switches, interrupts, interface, errors, disk, logins, processes, iops

wget -O netsnmp_device.xml.gz
sudo /var/www/html/cacti/cli/import_package.php --filename=./netsnmp_device.xml.gz

Confirm that the templates have been imported on Cacti Admin interface. Login using admin user account, then go to:

Console > Templates

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