Monday, September 23, 2024
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HomeData Modelling & AIDennis Yang on bot analytics

Dennis Yang on bot analytics

In episode three of the neveropen Bots podcast, Pete Skomoroch and I speak with Dennis Yang, co-founder and chief product officer of Dashbot, an analytics platform for bots. Bots are a new way for humans to interact with computers, and require new ways of thinking about measurement.

We discuss crucial differences between bots and conventional interfaces, how human writers are essential for setting the right tone in a bot, and why users ask bots to tell them jokes.

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Bot of the Week

Pete and I walk through the Amazon Echo’s most compelling features and test out a few third-party plugins: Secret Keeper, Uber, Iris, SMS with Molly, Password Generator, and, of course, 4AFart.

Post topics: AI & ML
Post tags: Bots Podcast


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