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10 Possible Reasons You’re Not Getting Hired

In today’s competitive world, finding a worthwhile job opportunity is tough and getting hired is tougher! At times it is discouraging and makes you feel like quitting. Regular rejection lowers down your self-esteem and you might lose all your hopes. But rather than thinking such things you can work upon yourself and become perfect. There are a few of the common mistakes that are often committed by the candidates at the time of the interview or during the interview preparation, which take them far away from a life-changing opportunity. 


Hence, we have tried to help you with some points that will lead you to achieve your goals and will not let you kill your own chance of getting hired. So let’s start with the points or reasons due to which you are not getting hired:

1. Unimpressive Resume and Cover Letter

Having a sloppy resume is the biggest downfall! 

If you want to get selected for any job then make sure that your resume is interesting. A good resume and cover letter are the most vital tools for every candidate as they showcase you as a person and your suitability for the job. Therefore, it is necessary to read your resume and cover letter thoroughly before forwarding them to the hiring manager. Always review the language and make sure that there are no grammatical & spelling errors as they can make your resume laid back amongst others. Other than that, proper formatting of the resume is very essential. Also, you should only list the relevant skills and never write the tasks that do not justify your qualification. Furthermore, you should concisely describe yourself, mention all your accomplishments and never lie.

2. No Proper Knowledge About the Company and Job Role

Again, this is apparently the worst thing candidates do i.e., not doing proper research about the company and job role. Employers who want to hire you need that a person must have basic knowledge about the company and its components. Not doing proper research about the company and fumbling at the time of the interview creates a bad impression. It also provides a chance for the interviewer to cut you out of the list. Therefore, it is vital that you read about the history of the organization before going to the interview. 

Study about their products or services as it shows your true interest in the interview. Also, read about the company’s goals and visions so that at the time answering questions you can correlate the same with your skills, thus making yourself the appropriate candidate for the particular role.

3. If You’re Underqualified or Overqualified

It is obvious that you cannot do everything, but applying for a job in which only your 20-40% skills match the criteria for being shortlisted can be the biggest drawback. You should aim to look for jobs, which will help to showcase your strong points and do not make you look underqualified for the job role. Now being overqualified for a job seems to be a bit confusing but yes it can make you lose your chance. For example, if you have completed your B.Tech and applying for a high-school level job then the recruiter will assume that either you are not getting any other job or will leave if you get any other chance. Hence, it is appropriate to study the job role properly and apply for the jobs which truly exhibit your properties.

4. Less Proactive and Weak Professional Network

Searching for a job requires a proactive person who has a big network. Being lazy and not connecting with people keeps you away from your dream job. Successful job seekers never sit idle and actively strategize their job search. You can contact your former coworkers and ask them about any opportunity which is good for you. 

This can also give you a chance to seek such opportunities which might not be listed on the company’s website. Apart from this, being active on social media and several other websites including LinkedIn is very helpful. These platforms increase your connectivity with people and can bring better offers. Hence, proactively searching for jobs itself helps you connect with your dream job and provides you with a successful career.

5. Lack of Passion and Low Self-Esteem

Not having a passion for the work you are about to do is one of the biggest drawbacks and it can also become a reason for not getting hired. If you are going for an interview and the interviewer cannot see the excitement for the upcoming project they will never hire you. A recruiter does not want that the candidate should know everything, but they want the person should be curious to learn new things. Apart from this, having low self-esteem can make you go down the list. Therefore, before going for an interview prepare yourself, collect each and every information that you can get as it will help you to answer correctly thus, making yourself look confident in front of the interviewer.

6. Poor Interview Skills

It is not necessary that you know how to react or speak in the interview, but sitting in front of the interviewer and letting everything come out of your mouth in an endless stream of word vomit will take you away from your dream job. There is no problem in thinking before you speak, take your time and answer properly. Always use your hands for gestures and never sit with a blank face, as it gives a negative impression. Sometimes interviews are also a bit stressful, you should know how to handle it. Rehearse the answers before going to the interview and frame them in a way that they showcase your strengths.

7. You Lack Transparency

Hiding things is a bad option! If you are going for an interview you must be transparent and tell everything about yourself to the recruiter. The person sitting in front of you is an experienced one and he/she may know when you are lying and can cross-question, leaving you empty-handed. Hence, it is important, to be honest, and share every detail with the employer as it creates trust and increases your chances of getting hired. But if still there are things that you do not want to share like having a big career gap then you must prepare a good answer for that so that it does not create any room for doubt.

8. Asking Unnecessary Questions

When asked in an interview “Do you have any questions?” turn it into a golden opportunity. You should ask about the valuable information regarding the company but not about the breaks and snack time. Asking too many questions or unnecessary ones makes you look uninterested and also tends to waste time. Besides this, ask insightful questions about your future job role or the company and its components. You can also prepare the questions beforehand and make yourself look more thoughtful.

9. Having Higher Salary Expectations

Yes, we all need money but just don’t run after it! Having patience is the key to a successful career. We always know our worth and when going for a job change we should not expect too much as it may sound unrealistic at the time of the interview. Always do your research before going for a job interview and do not opt for the company if they are not paying as per your expectations. But if the organization is really good and provides all the amenities, then negotiation is a good option. You might not get the same as per your expectations but it might get nearby. Moreover, be flexible and do not show your recruiter that you are only about money as it may act as a red flag for you.

10. Not Following Up

Being memorable is important and it can only happen if you follow up after the interview. Candidates go for an interview and once they are out of the interview room they do not even bother to mail or call the recruiter, thus making themselves vanish from the list. Companies always want to hire candidates who are enthusiastic and have a will to do different tasks. Therefore, it is very important that you send a thank you mail to your employer after you return from the interview. It makes you different from other people and shows your interest in the company.

So these are a few things that you might be doing at the time of your interview and not getting hired. Take a look at the above points and try not to make such mistakes in your next interview. But if you are still falling behind then practice more and evaluate yourself accordingly. Do not go for jobs, that require more skills than you have.

Last Updated :
18 Jan, 2022
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