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Swift – Integer, Floating-Point Numbers

Integers are whole numbers that can be negative, zero, or positive and cannot have a fractional component. In programming, zero and positive integers are termed as “unsigned”, and the negative ones are “signed”. Swift provides these two categories in the form of 8-bit, 16-bit, 32-bit and 64-bit format. The integers in Swift follow a naming convention similar to C, i.e., a signed 16-bit integer is of type “Int16”, and an unsigned 8-bit integer is of type “UInt8”.

Integer Bounds

Integer Type Min Max
UInt8 0 255
UInt16 0 65535
UInt32 0 4294967295
UInt64 0 18446744073709551615
Int8 -128 127
Int16 -32768   32767
Int32 -2147483648 2147483647
Int64 -9223372036854775808 9223372036854775807

Int: Swift provides an additional integer type, “Int”, which does not require the user to explicitly mention any of the above integer types unless restrictions are imposed.

UInt: Similarly, Swift also provides “UInt”, which also can be used unless any specific type is required.

Note: Both “Int” and “UInt” are platform native. This means, if the platform where the code is run is a 32-bit platform, then “Int” will be the same as “Int32”, and “UInt” will be the same as “UInt 32”. The same is the case with a 64-bit platform.

Additionally, we can run a program in Swift to find the minimum and maximum values of the integer type using the “min” and “max” functions, the corresponding outputs are as follows:


print("Integer Type        Min                    Max")
print("UInt8           \(UInt8.min)         \(UInt8.max)")
print("UInt16          \(UInt16.min)        \(UInt16.max)")
print("UInt32          \(UInt32.min)        \(UInt32.max)")
print("UInt64          \(UInt64.min)        \(UInt64.max)")
print("Int8            \(Int8.min)          \(Int8.max)")
print("Int16           \(Int16.min)         \(Int16.max)")
print("Int32           \(Int32.min)         \(Int32.max)")
print("Int64           \(Int64.min)         \(Int64.max)")


Integer Type     Min                    Max
UInt8             0                     255
UInt16            0                     65535
UInt32            0                     4294967295
UInt64            0                     18446744073709551615
Int8             -128                   127
Int16            -32768                 32767
Int32            -2147483648            2147483647
Int64            -9223372036854775808   9223372036854775807

Now dwelling on the next numbers, Floating-Point Numbers are the numbers that can represent a fractional component. These can also represent integers in a decimal form. Swift provides two signed types of these numbers:

Type N-bit floating-point number Number of decimal places
Double 64-bit floating-point number 15
Float 32-bit floating-point number 6


6.89, 3.1466, 6778.0, 0.0, 445.99

Last Updated :
17 Jun, 2021
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